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Twitter Thursdays

Published by: David Nordella on 02-07-2013
You have started Tweeting as part of your marketing mix for your medical practice. You know that you should be analyzing data to find what resonates with your prospective patients. TweetLevel is a social media monitor designed for Twitter users. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 01-24-2013
Twitter Counter is a Twitter Application Protocol Interface (API) that can enhance and simplify your Twitter data and marketing to prospective patients. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 01-17-2013
The most expensive cost for any physician is time. You cannot purchase it back after it is spent. Content curation is a convenient way for physicians to save time while engaging their patients on Twitter. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 01-10-2013
You are a doctor. You understand how you and your patients can benefit from communicating directly with each other. You agree that Twitter does a good job at improving communications with your patients. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 01-03-2013
Buffer is a time management tool that will enable you to build a community while managing your cursory reading to stay current. Buffer�s tag-line states that Buffer is a �smarter way to share�. I will show you how that is true using Twitter. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 12-27-2012
Doctors understand the value of real-time data. Analyzing current data has enabled rapid improvement in their practice of medicine. Twitalyzer provides real-time data for Independent Practice Associations (IPA) to improve their marketing on Twitter. Let�s see how... Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 12-20-2012
The Provider Finance 411 Blog and LA Dezign's "Twitter Thursday" blogs have been steady proponents of doctors using Twitter. Twitter is a free tool that you can use to brand your practice. Twitter is also a tool for maintaining relationship with your patients. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 12-13-2012
@LazyShoutOut is a novel idea that I wish would have worked for me. Twitter is a great way for doctors or anyone else to build relationships. The only problem with Twitter is that writing 140 characters is so difficult�and the retweets, mentions and favorites. They�re so hard! Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 12-06-2012
The Holidays are with us. All of the hustle, bustle and stress leading up to the big days are in full motion. Your patients can always use a little cheer during their preparations. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 11-29-2012
Questions can be powerful. The questioner has the potential to learn or the power to lead an engaging conversation. In the medical field for example, one might wonder: what questions are prospective patients asking? Having an answer may be the best way for someone to find you and your business. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 11-15-2012
A confluence of social media and health information technology may lead to quick predictions of adverse medical events, according to �Research To Sift Social Media for Early Signs of Adverse Drug Reactions� by H. Brevy Cannon: Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 11-08-2012
Staying current with Twitter API (application programming interface) can be difficult. Twitter is a popular social media so API pop up like mushrooms in a damp forest, even after the changes that Twitter has made in its API policy. One such API is Twellow, which purports to be the Yellow Pages of the Twitterverse. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 11-01-2012
Greg Matthews wrote a great blog-post for titled �Physician use of Twitter: Examining the data�: Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 10-25-2012
Patient satisfaction is the �new� goal for healthcare based on the Affordable Care Act. Of course, doctors have always worked hard to heal and satisfy their patients. Patient satisfaction takes on a whole new meaning, however, when you are paid better for satisfying patients. Studies show that patients feel better about physicians that care about their patients and express that care. After all, don�t you like when people remember you and say nice things about you? Follow Friday Helper makes acknowledging your patients easy. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 10-18-2012
Everyone needs fresh stimulation to be innovative. Being exposed to new things can cause you to see facts in a new way. That is why you need to be exposed to the thinking of a master salesman. The master salesman in question is Jeffrey Gitomer. Jeffrey breaks every stereotype of a salesman that you might be secretly harboring in your heart. His approach to sales is to be honest, respectful and to build business by serving the customer in a better than expected manner. Jeffrey believes that it takes hard work to make selling easy. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 10-11-2012
Twitter is a phenomenal social media platform. It is also host to a number of automated spammers that use �bots� (as in robots) to set up sites to sell you and more importantly, you followers something�again and again and again. This is why I don�t recommend that you follow everyone that follows you. Heresy to some but common sense to those that have worked hard to deliver a quality experience to your followers. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 10-04-2012
Systems that stop growing will eventually decline. Passing equilibrium and eventual obsolescence is the major reason that Twitter communities should always look to build their follower base. How can you build your base of Twitter followers? Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 09-27-2012
I first met Cindy Rakowitz at a ProVisors social networking meeting. (ProVisors is a group in Southern California composed of well over 2,000 professionals and trusted advisors that meet for the benefit of their clients: She was, and is, the CEO of Blackman Rakowitz Public Relations. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 09-20-2012
Robert Caruso is the Founder and CEO of He is an expert in Social Media that I have been following on Twitter for some time now. Readers of Twitter Thursday know that physicians should be regularly using social media to be building better physician-patients relationships and to market their practices. Bob wrote �Your Social Media Marketing is a Train Wreck�: This post was written out of frustration and would be a rant if Bob wasn�t so darn right! Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 09-13-2012
Tweeple often gather for social gathering called Tweetchats. Tweetchats are brainstorming sessions mixed with talk radio. They can be informative, uninhibited, funny and opinionated. @HealthSocMed holds tweetchats on a weekly basis. They share valuable information and are worth experiencing at least once. I am going to share some highlights from @HealthSocMed tweetchat of September 12, 2012: Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 09-06-2012
The Social Media Examiner is always a good resource to learn how to effectively use various social media. They share an excellent article written by Charlene Kingston that I recommend you read, �16 Creative Ways to Use Twitter for Business�: Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 08-30-2012
The Healthcare Marketing Exchange�s recent post �Priority Planning: The Nuts and Bolts of Engaging with Healthcare Consumers� revealed some interesting trends. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 08-23-2012
�Meme� originally meant �an idea or element of social behavior passed on through generations in a culture, especially by imitation�: Now it means somebody with a camera, a warped sense of humor and way too much free time. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 08-16-2012
Should you Twitter Bulk Follow? #Follow. To Follow or not to Follow, that is the question: Twitter etiquette dictates that you should Follow someone if they Follow you. What do you do if someone has the gall not to Follow your BRILLIANCE. (Not to say that this has happened to Twitter Thursday. It�s just a hypothetical question, of course!) Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 08-09-2012
Once again, a great interview from our friend, David Nordella: Journalists amuse us sometimes. Consider the following headline on Yahoo. �Twitter rumor leads to sharp increase in the price of oil,� The story mentioned that a rumor shared on Twitter corresponded with an increase in the price of oil. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 08-02-2012
Here's another great interview from our friend and colleague, David Nordella: Twitter Thursday is taking a temporary summer break from being all work. We�ll get back to our normal beat about Twitter and healthcare practices next week. Lots of people are having fun in London right now. Let�s see what is happening. A new challenge may be auditioning at the Olympics; Blood Sport. Twitter is in the middle of a social media showdown over the UK Summer Olympics. As regular readers of Twitter Thursday know, Twitter has been cozying up to new strategic partners. The latest is NBC. That�s right, an old media cougar. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 07-26-2012
Here's an interview about Twitter from my friend and colleague, David Nordella: I picked up a story that is moving through the Twitterverse from @RonaldCornell, �10 interesting health entrepreneurs talking about healthcare innovation on Twitter�: We have Followed @RonaldCornell due to his leadership in value based health. Go to to learn more about Ron. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 07-19-2012
The split up between Twitter and LinkedIn is so last week! A post written by Sarah Peez on Tech Crunch leads us to believe that the break-up might have been caused by outside �interests�, �Pinterest Traffic Passes Google Referrals, Bing, Twitter & StumbleUpon�: It�s sad! These kinds of problem have been popping-up in too many households these days� Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: LA on 07-12-2012
Twitter will be crucial to the future of your medical practice. Searches for physicians and specialists are proliferating on the premier micro-blog. You need to be in front of current and prospective patients on Twitter to maintain a positive �bedside manner� between appointments. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 07-05-2012
Twitter and LinkedIn are now the Tom and Katie of Social Media. They once had a highly functional relationship, at least on the surface. Then without warning; splitsville! Who started it? How bad had things gotten? The National Enquirer confirms that TomKat is no more! How sad for TwitLink! Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 06-28-2012
Many physicians know that using Social Media improves the success of their practices. Technology, in general, and Social Media, in particular, is making quantum leaps forward. Technological changes that can level the playing ground between Independent Practice Associations (small to medium groups of doctors) and larger healthcare systems are available. Twitter is a technology used by healthcare systems that smaller practices can with the same results. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 06-21-2012
Birds of a feather don�t flock together because they are only interested in themselves. People congregate where they have interests in common. Tweeple (people on Twitter) frequently use Twitter to meet others about common concerns. Twitter needs no social proof of their ability to influence social causes after the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan. Twitter became part of the news story when the �Arab Spring� emerged. People used Twitter to publicize their interpretation of events and to learn if others were concerned about those events.Communities were spawned on Twitter from common passions for change. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 06-14-2012
Pew Internet reports �the proportion of online adults who use Twitter on a typical day has doubled since May 2011 and has quadrupled since late 2010�at that point just 2% of online adults used Twitter on a typical day;� Twitter is being used more frequently on a daily basis. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 06-07-2012
Those of you that have been visiting Twitter regularly are likely to be familiar with the following message. �Loading Tweets seems to be taking a while. Twitter may be over capacity or experiencing a momentary hiccup. Try again or visit Twitter Status for more information.� Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 05-31-2012
Twitter changed its Developer Rules of the Road on May 17, 2012. One of the principles underlying the new rules is �Don't create or distribute spam.� Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 05-24-2012
It�s time for business professionals to give Twitter some respect. Linkedin may be a more interesting Social Media outlet to you. LinkedIn is structured more like your world. You use it like a resume, although this is slowly changing. Twitter is a relatively new, and possibly frightening, frontier for most professionals Read the rest of this blog post

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