
Twitter Thursdays

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Published by: David Nordella on 02-07-2013
You have started Tweeting as part of your marketing mix for your medical practice. You know that you should be analyzing data to find what resonates with your prospective patients. TweetLevel is a social media monitor designed for Twitter users. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 01-24-2013
Twitter Counter is a Twitter Application Protocol Interface (API) that can enhance and simplify your Twitter data and marketing to prospective patients. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 01-17-2013
The most expensive cost for any physician is time. You cannot purchase it back after it is spent. Content curation is a convenient way for physicians to save time while engaging their patients on Twitter. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 01-10-2013
You are a doctor. You understand how you and your patients can benefit from communicating directly with each other. You agree that Twitter does a good job at improving communications with your patients. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: David Nordella on 01-03-2013
Buffer is a time management tool that will enable you to build a community while managing your cursory reading to stay current. Buffer�s tag-line states that Buffer is a �smarter way to share�. I will show you how that is true using Twitter. Read the rest of this blog post
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