Published by: on 10-23-2014
Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-28-2013
Just watched a Danish movie called Headhunters. So why am I am writing this blog post instead of answering some client emails? The reason is that Headhunters is inspiring and worth sharing. There's tremendous business sense to be gained from this film. The attention to detail and to planning reminds me of this famous aphorism "Plan the dive. Dive the plan" which is something we try to focus on during our web projects. Often clients push us to just wing it and sometimes we do. And I want to admit that it just doesn't work out all that well. here's my take on why and what might be done to do better ...
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Published by: on 09-12-2013
Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-03-2013
Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-18-2013
Here at LA Dezign, we audit many professional websites for search engine optimization (SEO) benefits, to ensure that we know what strategies to focus on moving forward. It�s well known that whenever you pay for a service you should do a substantial amount of research, or at least enough, to understand what you can expect from an SEO audit. This way you know whether you are overpaying or underpaying for your services and will be prepared to ask relevant questions, while minimizing the risk of getting taken advantage off. Today, we briefly discuss what to look for in an SEO audit and what questions to ask.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-21-2013
Check out LA Dezign's own infographic about how to increase your website's credibility. Follow our four easy steps, which include increasing your Rankings, providing Expertise, connecting with your Audience, and being Liked. We encourage you to just be R.E.A.L. and your website will reap the benefits!
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Published by: LADezign on 10-03-2012
On September 20-22, LADezign's Jason Ciment and Michael Moskovich presented their unique marketing strategy to the 2012 IMA Conference. Tackling both onsite and offsite tactics for website marketing, Jason and Michael gave listeners a rare peek into their success in SEO and internet marketing. So what did LADezign bring to the IMA round table?
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-24-2012
Lifehacker has a great article about a new great tool for busy Gmail users called RightInbox. RightInbox is one of the easiest to use while still being incredibly useful tools we've seen in awhile and it can be a great help to all the flustered business and website owners out there. So what does it do?
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-20-2012
The Google Nexus 7 is the next generation of Tablets and it could be an incredible game-changer. What makes it so unique from The iPad or any other competitors out there? More importantly, is it worth becoming your go-to mobile device? The team here at LADezign decided to take a look.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-09-2012
PC Mag came out with their list of The Best Google Chrome Extensions of 2012 and we couldn't be more happy to see it. Adding any of these extensions to your Google Chrome browser (and at this point, is anybody using anything other than Google Chrome?) will increase your online functionality in a huge way. While the whole article is worth a look, we picked out some of our favorite extensions from the list.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 06-15-2012
We have qualified for a $250,000 grant competition from Chase Bank and Living Social. It's for businesses involved in their local communities. To make it to the next round, we just need helping getting 250 votes by June 30, 2012.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 06-12-2012
The iPad has been in need of a good competitor, and it looks like Lenovo's IdeaTab S2109 Tablet is rising to the challenge. The IdeaTab S2109 is sleek, thin, and has more advanced entertainment capabilities than many tablets on the market. All of this is enough to make it a worthy competitor, yet we're excited about something else it includes: The brand spanking new Android OS, Ice Cream Sandwich.
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Published by: LA on 06-08-2012
It's so surprise that Google has a trust level with online customers that is almost impossible to build anywhere else. That's why Google Trusted Stores can be such an amazing tool for both customers and businesses. Google is giving the chance for online companies build up their reputation with customers in a way that has never been attainable before.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 06-05-2012
Each company has its own version of time management. Sometimes these versions are successful, sometimes not so much. This is why ClearSync has become the time management tool du jour for many companies. But is it necessary? We explore the ways in which software like ClearSync might be just what your business needs.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 06-04-2012
LinkedIn can often be a point of contention among business colleagues. Some will sing its praises, others are sure of its failures. But what can LinkedIn really do for your Business? The answer is simpler than you think. Here are two tactics to using LinkedIn to its fullest advantage.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 05-29-2012
Mobile apps have become the breeding ground for new and unorthodox ideas in technology, and Bump is no exception. In basic terms, the Bump app allows mobile users to to transfer business and personal contact information with each other. How do they do it? You guessed it, by bumping. By simply bumping iPhones together, your contact list will immediately be updated with their information. Its efficient and playful enough to get even the most recluse of business associates to share their info. But that's not all this app does.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-28-2012
So tonight i went to Santa Monica to the Milken Center to hear Jason Nazar share without bleeps the methods to his madness. He walked the audience through more than sixty minutes of a very arefully structured set of 10 steps towards building, funding and sustaining a startup. It is very rare for me to be engaged for 10 minutes let alone sixty minutes (unless it is Creflo Dollar) and this wunderkind really did it, and did it well.
so what did the co-founder of DocStoc (20 million visitors a month) have to teach the audience of hundreds?
in short i would highlight these moments
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Published by: Scott Morgan on 02-09-2012
Google+ might be the newest kid on the social media block, but it already has a steady and devoted following. And with Google's ever-increasing popularity, there has never been a better time to join the ranks of businesses that are using it. If you are already investing time, money and effort several in other social media sites, you might be hesitant to add another one to the list. However, that would be a bad and potentially costly idea. Here are 5 reasons why Google+ is definitely no minus.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-07-2011
Is the Bottom Price the Bottom Line when it comes to gaining sales?
With the increased awareness and availability of shopping online, consumers who used to shop strictly at brick and mortar neighborhood stores are now just a search and a click away from a plethora of alternative choices.
Your company brand is unfortunately left in the often sad state of being just one of those often unappealing yet lower priced choices.
How are you going to make an impression that not only brings in customers but keeps them coming back?
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