Published by: on 10-23-2014
Published by: on 05-09-2014
Published by: on 05-05-2014
So this week's edition of the Los Angeles Business Journal now includes a nice pithy quote from yours truly on how a brick and mortar business can utilize SnapChat to drive new and repeat business. Check out my quote. I want to thank Roger Gillott from for making the introduction to the LABJ. Also really amusing that maybe 15 minutes before I received my copy of the LABJ I had written a note to Jeff Sklar from about something unrelated and there's his name right below mine. That's a crazy kind of Karma
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Published by: on 05-02-2014
In order to evaluate the account there are several reports that will be needed to gauge the account. To download these reports we’ve outlined each step below.
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Published by: on 04-18-2014
Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-10-2014
Here's a review of the salient points in this article by Paul Rouke from the UK analyzing why is such a compelling and persuasive user experience which can apply to our own websites - whether B2C or B2B.
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Published by: on 04-09-2014
Published by: on 04-08-2014
When is a stock in freefall like a poorly planned website promotion strategy?
The last few weeks have seen a frightening reality in the stock market as the once high flying cloud-based talent management software company CSOD has seen its stock price plummet from over $61 to under $40 this week. And if you look at the news on the stock you simply see stock pundits and news agencies just reporting on the drop in the price after the fact but without any intelligence or guidance behind their words.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-20-2014
Top 7 Blog Postings on Growing Your LinkedIn Network
Welcome to the LinkedIn Tips section of the LA Dezign blog. I wanted to take the time to put together a series of postings on how to use LinkedIn, and how to utilize the growing social networking site to help grow your own network of connections that will lead to personal success, regardless of your industry and experience. In this first entry, I tracked down seven top bloggers and found some tremendously helpful tips. If you want all the secrets for boosting your online presence via LinkedIn, these seven experts are the best starting point.
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Published by: on 12-23-2013
Published by: on 12-19-2013
Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-28-2013
Just watched a Danish movie called Headhunters. So why am I am writing this blog post instead of answering some client emails? The reason is that Headhunters is inspiring and worth sharing. There's tremendous business sense to be gained from this film. The attention to detail and to planning reminds me of this famous aphorism "Plan the dive. Dive the plan" which is something we try to focus on during our web projects. Often clients push us to just wing it and sometimes we do. And I want to admit that it just doesn't work out all that well. here's my take on why and what might be done to do better ...
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 11-05-2013
For most businesses,
websites have become an integral part of their marketing, branding and sales
results. It is no longer enough simply to have a website. For most businesses,
it must provide timely and compelling information about the business, the
product(s) and other key aspects of the business.
The search algorithms
that Google and other search engines use continually evolve. A website must keep
pace and reflect those changes in the priorities of the search engines. Beyond
that, websites quickly become stale and require ongoing attention to remain
"fresh." Otherwise, visitors quickly move from your website to
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Published by: jason Ciment on 10-31-2013
Published by: Judy Cobb on 10-29-2013
Have you looked at your
website lately? Do you look at it every day or just now and then? And when you
look at it, what do you see?
Websites get to be a lot
like old friends. After awhile, they are so familiar that we see what we expect
to see. We assume that what was compelling when the website went live continues
to have the same competitive advantage over weeks, months and years.
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Published by: on 10-24-2013
Current Situation: Client has a website and their email is not being managed by their hosting company. This means they are using a 3rd party email hosting company.
Problem: When someone fills out the contact form on the website, the email confirmation that is being sent to the client's email at its own domain, is not arriving. (Sorry for the convoluted English but it's a tough problem to write out). So the example is wants email confirms to go to someone with an email and the emails are just not showing up in their POP account. To be clear, the email confirmations to the customer's email address are arriving.
Solution: Below we are presenting how this problem can be solved if you are hosting with a CPANEL based server platform. The 3 screenshots below highlight the steps taken to simply add an MX record to the hosting account which tells the server what it needs to know to send the confirmations to the client's email accounts that have the same name as the domain.
First step is to login to CPANEL and get to the DNS Zone area.

This is where you access the DNS Zone which gives you access to the MX record settings inside CPANEL

This is what you set the MX record to be for the client's domain:

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Published by: Judy Cobb on 10-22-2013
Telling the story of your business on your website provides you with several advantages.
1. Your story engages people who are looking for your product or service in ways a fact-based website cannot.
2. A website that is built around your story appeals to people with the demographic characteristics of your customers.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 10-08-2013
What is the difference between telling your business story on your website and other fact-based approaches to website content?
1. It is much easier for people to relate to, understand and remember a story because all the facts fit together and have a context. People retain much more when they read information as part of a story.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 10-01-2013
Writing for the internet
requires that text be short and pithy. Website visitors are looking for
specific information and want to be able to grasp essential information
quickly, or they move on to another website.
As a result, many
websites feature lots of quick facts, hoping that one or more of the facts is
what a visitor is looking for. That content strategy makes sense on the
surface, but often proves to be short sighted and limiting.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 09-24-2013
Recent posts have talked
about the role of requirements when you create, redesign or generally improve a
website. This week, I saw an excellent example of what can happen when a
business owner concentrates so hard on new website features that successful
features from the old site get lost in the shuffle.
The business sells one-of-a-kind collectibles.
Once a month, they have a showroom sale and frequently run high-end estate
sales. Their old website was kind of a workhorse. It looked fine, but had no
special graphics or design.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 09-17-2013
Earlier posts have talked about your website's business requirements and user requirements. Functional requirements are the third category of requirements necessary for your website.
Functional requirements define how you want your website to work. Like the other types of requirements, a functional requirement must be so specific that someone reviewing your website can identify specifically where and how that requirement is met.
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Published by: on 09-12-2013
Published by: Judy Cobb on 09-10-2013
Last week's post talked
about the business requirements for your website. Those requirements include a
description of the "typical" customer (or customers) that you want to
visit and to use your website.
Before going too far in
your website design and development, step back and list the requirements these
customers (or users) will have when they land on your website. In general, your
"users" have several key requirements.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 09-03-2013
Once you have decided
what you expect from your website-- general purpose, website business goals,
visitors, sales, and results--you are ready to write specific business
requirements. Your website developer and programmer will use these requirements
to design your website and program its features and functions.
Later, you will define user
requirements and the functional requirements for your website. Your business
requirements drive the features and functions of your website. Begin with them.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 08-27-2013
A requirement
defines--in specific and measurable terms--what you expect your website to do.
If the requirement is well written, someone can test the website and identify
where and how the website meets that requirement. There is no guessing.
Any serious look at your
current website or a website you are developing should begin with the
definition of requirements. They provide you with a critical tool for spelling
out your expectations for the website.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 08-20-2013
The Web is full of commercial websites. Many fail to deliver the results that business owner wants or expects. Often that is because the business owner or person directing web development failed to provide a clearly written and complete description of what they expected on their website.
They needed a set of requirements the communicated exactly what business goals the website was required to meet, who they wanted to draw to the website and what they wanted guests to do once they landed on the site.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 08-13-2013
Requirements are a key factor in determining how well a website achieves your business objectives. Simply put, requirements describe how a website works and what content and features should appear there.
Requirements identify, in tangible terms, the specific content, functions and capabilities a website must have. In short, a requirement defines what your website looks like and how it works.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 08-06-2013
Any business has a body of specialized or technical knowledge. A part of that industry-and product-specific information can be valuable to your customers or clients when they make a buying decision.
These days, many people buying a major product or service search widely on the Internet for information that will help them make a good decision. A website that offers this information appears in website searches, attracts potential customers and increases the chance that the person will buy from you.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-02-2013
Here are the types of link errors that are characteristically listed in your Google Webmaster account (e.g.
- Pages you formerly had on your site which no longer exist
- Pages you formerly had which have been renamed (but the old page names may exist on other sites)
- Links (from other sites) to pages on your site which never existed but the links are incorrect or have typos
Read on to see how to get rid of them.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 07-30-2013
A business website should always be viewed as a work in progress. Retail businesses would not put up one display or window dressing and leave it for months or years. Your website is a similar situation. Search engines notice new content and factor that into the search engine optimization (
SEO) for your website. Without fresh content, websites become stale quickly as new sites appear on the Web and your competitors update their sites.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 07-23-2013
A business website should always provide visitors with information that documents your business successes. Without this information, how can potential customers know the value of the products and/or services your business provides? And, more important, how can they see the benefit of doing business with you instead of all your competitors on the Web?
This information about your successes can include testimonials, descriptions of various customer solutions and case studies.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 07-16-2013
A testimonial briefly describes someone's successful experience with your product or service. Testimonials are valuable assets on your website or blog because most people shopping for a product or service want to know that others have had a good experience doing business with you.
Here are some tips for writing testimonials that will get results.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 07-09-2013
Blogs build credibility and a following over time. One useful or interesting blog post may draw people back a second time. It requires more than one effective post to build a following.
The key to a successful blog is maintaining a certain quality and consistency over time. If you regularly post to your blog, you will develop a style, voice and approach that make each post easier and faster to write. When you are getting started, however, each post may present you with unique challenges in identifying content and writing about your chosen topic.
Here are some suggestions that can get you started with a useful and interesting post.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-03-2013
Published by: Judy Cobb on 07-02-2013
Blogs are a powerful marketing tool if used well. Regular blogs can offer useful information, entertain or combine those two qualities. If done well, a blog can provide new content that draws people to your website and gets them to return.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 06-25-2013
This week, a company that runs high-end estate sales started a raffle
for an Andy Warhol print. You enter the raffle one of three ways: "Like"
them on Facebook, write a review on Yelp or follow them on Twitter.
Increase your chances of winning by doing all three.
What are the advantages of the three marketing choices this company has made?
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 06-18-2013
Marketing your product or service on the Internet is no longer a simple matter of having an effective website that is a top "hit" in web searches. If it ever was that simple!
The Internet and other electronic communication offer you a wide array of marketing tools via social networking websites and email. Each of these tools can build your presence online. If used effectively, they can drive visitors to your website, independent of a Web search.
In an ideal situation, you will have a strategy for using each of these tools to build your business's presence online.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 06-11-2013
Last week's blog talked about how to incorporate your customer's viewpoint into your blogs via case studies, answers to questions, testimonials and guest blogs. This week's blog will suggest ways to blog about your industry, business, products and services with the customer's viewpoint in mind.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 06-04-2013
Regular blog postings demonstrate that your website reflects a real understanding of your customers and your business. Two recurring topics in your blog will go a long way toward building your credibility and your online business:
1. Blogs that reflect the customers' questions, decisions and solutions.
2. Blogs that provide current and timely information about your industry, business and products.
This week's blog will chat about how to take a customer-oriented view in your blog.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 05-14-2013
Your company's brand is the image and identity you create that distinguishes your business from your competitors in the minds of your customers. A powerful brand can be more valuable to a company than any other asset. A successful brand, targeted at the right customer base, can assure successful sales results for many years.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 05-07-2013
One of the most powerful features of the Internet is the immediacy and timeliness of information posted there. Visitors expect to find current information on their first visit to your website and to find something new or fresh when they revisit it.
Having a regular blog allows you to maintain the currency of your website while adding content that can improve the search engine optimization (SEO) and build a following of returning visitors. When beginning a blog or considering how to continue with an existing blog, here are ideas that will allow you to create a framework that will improve the success of your blog.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 05-06-2013
Over the course of the last few years, I have seen numerous clients walk away from web design projects and it is usually not due to the inability to pay for the rest of a project, but rather the fact that the project itself seems so large and intimidating, it seems easier to walk away. Since I have seen this problem numerous times, I decided to write a guide to better help prepare clients for a web design project that addresses the who, what, and why questions involved.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 04-30-2013
A blog on your website can build your website's credibility and your business's relationships with visitors to your website. A carefully written blog can also improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO) by incorporating keywords currently being used in online searches and by creating opportunities for backlinks with other websites.
One strategy that can build blog followers is writing about relevant and timely issues. Writing about frequently asked questions in your business or industry is one important source of topics that will draw readers to your blog.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 04-24-2013
Since I feel the need to have my voice heard (it's been a while), I thought I would share a few of my favorite websites and why.
In my line of work I see a lot of bad websites and experience a great loss of sleep over this on a frequent basis, so if you are one of the offenders, just hire us, or find someone to help you stop hurting the eyeballs of innocent web viewers.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 04-23-2013
Blogs allow you to keep the content of your website fresh and to continually improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO) by incorporating key words currently being used in online searches. Blogs also encourage people who are interested in what you are writing or looking for specific information to visit and stay on your website.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 04-16-2013
A blog is an informational website that features regular updates (posts) and comments. Many blogs not only include the topics written by the blog's owner but also have comments and questions from people who read the blog or from guests who have been invited to write one or more postings.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 04-09-2013
The Internet is full of blogs these days: humorous blogs, political blogs, personal blogs dog walking blogs, environmental blogs, silly blogs and blogs on almost anything you can think of. And, of course, many business websites feature blogs of various kinds.
The presence of so many blogs raises the question of how your business website can benefit from having a blog. Blogs provide you with several key benefits. A good blog can...
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 04-02-2013
Are you unsure what kind of image you would like to your audience through your website? Perhaps your stationary gives the impression that you are a respected attorney, but your website has the feel of a 1980's video arcade? If you are not sure what kind of image you want to present, worry no longer, take my quick and fun (hopefully) quiz to start to determine who you are and how you can present your brand best online.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 03-26-2013
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) relies on two strategies for building traffic to a website. Most people are familiar with the first strategy: Web builders identify the terms known as keywords that are most frequently used when people look for a business or service and use those terms on a website to draw traffic. Traffic that arrives via those searches is said to come organically from search engines.
The second SEO strategy involves backlinks. Backlinks are links that lead to your website from other websites. The major search engines not only rank websites using the number of visits to a website produced by organic searches. They also factor in the number of links to your website from other websites and visits to your website produced by people who navigate there by clicking a link from another site.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-18-2013
Here at LA Dezign, we audit many professional websites for search engine optimization (SEO) benefits, to ensure that we know what strategies to focus on moving forward. It�s well known that whenever you pay for a service you should do a substantial amount of research, or at least enough, to understand what you can expect from an SEO audit. This way you know whether you are overpaying or underpaying for your services and will be prepared to ask relevant questions, while minimizing the risk of getting taken advantage off. Today, we briefly discuss what to look for in an SEO audit and what questions to ask.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 03-12-2013
The content of your website and the way you choose to write that content anchors your website design and graphic elements. More importantly, it tells your "story" to your visitors and customers.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 03-05-2013
This week's New York Times included a short article about Marcus Sheridan, a man whose business (installing in-ground fiberglass pools) took a dive in the face of canceled contracts and declining business in the recent economic crisis. Faced with a failing business, Sheridan decided to take a novel approach to his website content: He began to answer his customers' questions, even the tough ones like cost and the names of his competitors.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-04-2013
We�ve all heard about the frustrations of texting on a touch screen phone or tablet. The Android based, �swiping� style keyboard app, SwiftKey, attempts to simplify this everyday process and eliminates the pain that comes with having to use your touch screen keyboard. What sets SwiftKey apart from other swiping-styled keyboard apps, is their personalized predictive engine that predicts your train of thought and will offer up a suggestion of words. Now, what�s not intriguing is the simplicity of rapid speed typing, with a fast learning curve, accompanied by interchangeable keyboard interfaces, but it is the possibility of using this app in a professional or educational setting.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 02-26-2013
How many times have you visited a website, only to give up after a few minutes because the text did not quickly give you the information you were looking for? Or perhaps you left before you even started reading because the text was so long and dense. As with every type of writing, text written for the web has its own style and requirements.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 02-19-2013
We all know by now that cute kittens and funny memes can garner a laugh and a maybe get you a social media endorsement, but it is important to remember that laughter does not always generate a lead or respect for a business online. For example, see the picture of my cat to the right. If it was on our home page it might make someone question our judgment as web designers, unless we only designed sites for cat lovers.
If you are a business owner, web designer or personal brand, it is essential to make sure that images on your website (especially the home page) quickly communicate what you offer, who you are and what you value. Furthermore, your website images convey your level of professionalism and can help with search engine optimization.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 02-12-2013
Is your website struggling to make a connection online? Do you feel like you are always the one giving in your relationship with Google, but are never receiving love back? The Search Engine-aire matchmakers at LA Dezign understand the frustration that comes when you are strutting around online in a cute new outfit (ie. sexy website design), yet somehow Google still sees you as a frog. Now wipe away the tears since there is hope. All you have to do is read my tips below on how to get some Google love this Valentine's Day.
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Published by: David Nordella on 02-07-2013
You have started Tweeting as part of your marketing mix for your medical practice. You know that you should be analyzing data to find what resonates with your prospective patients. TweetLevel is a social media monitor designed for Twitter users.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-05-2013
Traditionally, for a business to effectively sell a service or acquire leads using a professional website, it has to ensure that it clearly and easily allows you (the potential client) to get in contact with the business. This is usually done through a �contact� page that either contains contact information, such as an e-mail address and/or phone number, or an on-page contact form for you to fill out. vCita is a widget website addition that revolutionizes this concept in order to better serve the customer browsing your website, as well as more effectively and easily make them want to contact your business.
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Published by: David Nordella on 01-31-2013
�Your personal brand is a promise to your clients...a promise of quality, consistency, competency, and reliability." Jason Hartman, quoted on Kristie Rimmele�s: Branding on the Net.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 01-29-2013
It's the end of January, and the Chinese New Year is almost here. That means we are probably out of time for New Year's resolutions and new beginnings. Before letting the 2013 move further on, here's a resolution for your website: Avoid the BLOBS!
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Published by: David Nordella on 01-24-2013
Twitter Counter is a Twitter Application Protocol Interface (API) that can enhance and simplify your Twitter data and marketing to prospective patients.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 01-22-2013
The most critical New Year's review of your website focuses on the business results produced by your website. Businesses today require a website for simple business visibility and credibility. However, most business professionals expect their website to produce tangible business results through direct Internet purchases, inquiries or other contacts.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-21-2013
Check out LA Dezign's own infographic about how to increase your website's credibility. Follow our four easy steps, which include increasing your Rankings, providing Expertise, connecting with your Audience, and being Liked. We encourage you to just be R.E.A.L. and your website will reap the benefits!
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 01-18-2013
Have you ever used the excuse "I would love to write a blog, but I don’t have the time and have no idea what to write about." Me, too. Which, is why I am writing this post. Something has to be done so that more and more fresh content is produced for the info junkies glued to their gadgets and Google knows you exist. The most important part of writing frequent blog posts is having a list of topics that you can write about, as well as a place where you write down anything that you are inspired by throughout the day.
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Published by: David Nordella on 01-17-2013
The most expensive cost for any physician is time. You cannot purchase it back after it is spent. Content curation is a convenient way for physicians to save time while engaging their patients on Twitter.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 01-15-2013
The New Year is a good time to assure that your website continues to provide you with the visibility and results that you need for your business. Trends move quickly on the Internet. Current events, new technologies, new websites and other factors can quickly change web search patterns; this can reduce the number of times web searches return the link to your site.
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Published by: David Nordella on 01-10-2013
You are a doctor. You understand how you and your patients can benefit from communicating directly with each other. You agree that Twitter does a good job at improving communications with your patients.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 01-08-2013
A successful website depends on a clear presentation of your product or service, an organization that makes it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for and associated information that establishes your business's credibility. The beginning of a new year is a good time to review your expectations for your website and decide whether it is achieving the results you expect, both in terms of the number of "hits" it receives and the business it generates.
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Published by: David Nordella on 01-03-2013
Buffer is a time management tool that will enable you to build a community while managing your cursory reading to stay current. Buffer�s tag-line states that Buffer is a �smarter way to share�. I will show you how that is true using Twitter.
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Published by: David Nordella on 12-27-2012
Doctors understand the value of real-time data. Analyzing current data has enabled rapid improvement in their practice of medicine. Twitalyzer provides real-time data for Independent Practice Associations (IPA) to improve their marketing on Twitter. Let�s see how...
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-24-2012
Published by: David Nordella on 12-20-2012
The Provider Finance 411 Blog and LA Dezign's "Twitter Thursday" blogs have been steady proponents of doctors using Twitter. Twitter is a free tool that you can use to brand your practice. Twitter is also a tool for maintaining relationship with your patients.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-19-2012
With the steady rise in sales of smartphones and tablets, we have noticed a rising trend in requests to design websites that are compatible with these different platforms. 2012 has been a year where we have been introduced to countless new laptops, smartphones and tablets, which each carry their own different screen sizes and resolutions. Why separately design a website for each different screen, when you can design a site that has the ability to instantly adapt to these different devices. The traditional method of website design for each separate platform may soon become a thing of the past with the introduction of Responsive Web Design (RWD).
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 12-18-2012
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) increases the ranking of a website in a web search by incorporating the most commonly used search terms and images into the text and design of the website. Building a website that takes advantage of SEO can assure that you have a reliable stream of visitors to your site. But what happens over time, as news and interests evolve?
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Published by: David Nordella on 12-13-2012
@LazyShoutOut is a novel idea that I wish would have worked for me. Twitter is a great way for doctors or anyone else to build relationships. The only problem with Twitter is that writing 140 characters is so difficult�and the retweets, mentions and favorites. They�re so hard!
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 12-11-2012
Once you decide to have a blog on your business website, where do you begin? The first blog is likely to be easy: A short introduction to the blog and a description of what you intend to accomplish. But then what? It is a good idea to have a clear statement of the goal of the blog and a strategy for achieving it.
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Published by: David Nordella on 12-06-2012
The Holidays are with us. All of the hustle, bustle and stress leading up to the big days are in full motion. Your patients can always use a little cheer during their preparations.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 12-04-2012
A blog is a type of website or web page that promotes discussion of a specific topic or information sharing. Many blogs found on the Internet are intended as personal journals or opportunities to promote a particular worldview or opinion.
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Published by: David Nordella on 11-29-2012
Questions can be powerful. The questioner has the potential to learn or the power to lead an engaging conversation. In the medical field for example, one might wonder: what questions are prospective patients asking? Having an answer may be the best way for someone to find you and your business.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 11-28-2012
Simply put, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) allows you to draw traffic to your website by using terms (known as keywords) on your website that are most frequently used in online searches for your industry, products or services. Used well, SEO causes your website to be among the first "hits" on search engine results pages (SERPs).
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Published by: Lisa Anderson on 11-27-2012
Maintaining your social networks is vital in keeping healthy business relationships and client satisfaction, which ultimately helps run a more efficient and successful business. There are countless ways to leverage social networks and social media to achieve these objectives. Lisa Anderson has 20 years of experience consulting businesses to improve their overall performance. She shares with us her top eight keys to success (from her ebook, Leveraging Social Networks to Drive Business Results):
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 11-21-2012
Photographs, used intuitively, can improve the look and appeal of your website by adding impact and power. They can also strengthen the immediate impression visitors have of your website and improve the chance that visitors remain there instead of quickly navigating away. Appropriate photographs can also increase the SEO results for your website.
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Published by: LA on 11-20-2012
In light of recent articles about businesses paying for Yelp reviews, I cannot help but comment on the increasing requests I am getting lately to "Like" someone on Facebook, or to write a Yelp review for them. While businesses can benefit from positive reviews, readers need to take them with a grain of salt given the manipulation of them on the part of businesses. In addition, businesses need to be careful not to alienate potential or current customers by pressuring them to write reviews or interact with them on social media sites.
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Published by: David Nordella on 11-15-2012
A confluence of social media and health information technology may lead to quick predictions of adverse medical events, according to �Research To Sift Social Media for Early Signs of Adverse Drug Reactions� by H. Brevy Cannon:
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-09-2012
Ok. So James Bond cries. Hasn't happened since George Lazenby and for similar reasons too. OK short and sweet. Too much Dench time. seriously anymore closeups of her ancient punim and they should rename the movie Judi Skyfall. This movie was more about the aging Dench than the swashbuckling Bond. Not enough real action. Lot of time spent building plot and sadness and anxiety. But really Live and Let Die and countless other stil achieve a PACE that this film regrettably fails to deliver. It really felt like a 2nd cousin to the original Bourne movies.
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Published by: David Nordella on 11-08-2012
Staying current with Twitter API (application programming interface) can be difficult. Twitter is a popular social media so API pop up like mushrooms in a damp forest, even after the changes that Twitter has made in its API policy. One such API is Twellow, which purports to be the Yellow Pages of the Twitterverse.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 11-06-2012
Every business owner not only decides which products or services to sell but also identifies the target market for those products or services: the group of people expected to buy the product or service. Each decision you have made about the physical elements of your business--location, floor space, office areas, displays and furniture--have all been made to appeal to your target market. Likewise, your advertising and marketing decisions have reflected the viewing, reading, social media and
communication habits of the target market your business aims at.
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Published by: LA on 11-02-2012
Hurricane Sandy has been devastating to a large part of our country and the effect of its damage will last for years. Our thoughts are with the victims of Hurricane Sandy as well as those who have risked their lives to help those in need.
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Published by: David Nordella on 11-01-2012
Greg Matthews wrote a great blog-post for titled �Physician use of Twitter: Examining the data�:
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 10-30-2012
In today's online business environment, your customers often rely on your website rather than your local community and reputation when they decide to buy your product or service. Your website must, therefore, establish your credibility as a reliable business that offers quality products or services.
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Published by: LA on 10-26-2012
It might be 85 in Los Angeles today, but Fall is officially here. Once we pass Halloween, its just a hop, skip, and a fun-size snickers to Thanksgiving and the rest of the holidays. So what will you need to prepare for it?
Think about what are the most stressful areas of the holidays for you. Do you spend too much too soon? Wait to buy gifts at the last minute? Promise too many people you'll spend Turkey day with their mother-in-law? Here are a couple great (and free) apps to help ease you into the holidays right.
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Published by: David Nordella on 10-25-2012
Patient satisfaction is the �new� goal for healthcare based on the Affordable Care Act. Of course, doctors have always worked hard to heal and satisfy their patients. Patient satisfaction takes on a whole new meaning, however, when you are paid better for satisfying patients.
Studies show that patients feel better about physicians that care about their patients and express that care. After all, don�t you like when people remember you and say nice things about you? Follow Friday Helper makes acknowledging your patients easy.
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 10-23-2012
You know far more about your story and your business than anyone else, so it is hard to resist putting everything you know on your home page. Then you also have all the amazing options about what you can put on your web page to make it exciting, interesting and engaging: graphics, photos, videos, text, animation, flashing lights, sounds, and colors anywhere.
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Published by: David Nordella on 10-18-2012
Everyone needs fresh stimulation to be innovative. Being exposed to new things can cause you to see facts in a new way. That is why you need to be exposed to the thinking of a master salesman.
The master salesman in question is Jeffrey Gitomer. Jeffrey breaks every stereotype of a salesman that you might be secretly harboring in your heart. His approach to sales is to be honest, respectful and to build business by serving the customer in a better than expected manner. Jeffrey believes that it takes hard work to make selling easy.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-17-2012
It seems like there are almost no new ideas in webdesign, just old ideas fit into a new more modern concept. This could not be more true for the latest trend that's going to take web site design by storm in 2013, parallax scrolling.
So what is parallax scrolling? Basically, its using the scrolling motion you use when you vertically search on a site to create animated imagery. Back in the beginning days of video games, designers would use this technique to give games a more 3-d effect. Now, web site designers are using it to make sites more interactive and eye appealing than ever before. Here are some great examples of parallax scrolling we've seen on the web:
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Published by: Judy Cobb on 10-16-2012
A visitor on your website will take about 10 seconds to decide whether to stay or to click away to another website. In that first few seconds, your visitors must quickly find the words or ideas that they are looking for or their web search will continue to other sites.
One key to winning this go/stay decision is assuring that your site uses words and terminology that your visitors recognize and are looking for. Sounds simple, but does your website do that?
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Published by: LA on 10-12-2012
Isn't it amazing that Halloween is almost here? I feel like we just were talking about new trends of 2012 and here we are, nearing the end of it. These last three months of the year represents a lot of good things to both individuals and businesses, yet we all feel the nervousness of extra spending grasping at us. This is the time of year where everyone spends a lot, whether it be for more hours for employees or holiday bonuses or extra shipping, every person will be feeling it in the wallet in just a few weeks. So how to lower the stress in the busy business season? Simple, get Adaptu Wallet.
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Published by: David Nordella on 10-11-2012
Twitter is a phenomenal social media platform. It is also host to a number of automated spammers that use �bots� (as in robots) to set up sites to sell you and more importantly, you followers something�again and again and again. This is why I don�t recommend that you follow everyone that follows you. Heresy to some but common sense to those that have worked hard to deliver a quality experience to your followers.
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Published by: LA on 10-05-2012
We like to highlight great apps on LADezign, but this time we get to review an app made by our own Jason Ciment. EarnIt is an easy to use To Do List that helps you list tasks and goals you want to accomplish in the near future. There are many To Do Lists that do the same thing, but EarnIt is unique for a very specific reason.
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Published by: David Nordella on 10-04-2012
Systems that stop growing will eventually decline. Passing equilibrium and eventual obsolescence is the major reason that Twitter communities should always look to build their follower base. How can you build your base of Twitter followers?
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Published by: LADezign on 10-03-2012
On September 20-22, LADezign's Jason Ciment and Michael Moskovich presented their unique marketing strategy to the 2012 IMA Conference. Tackling both onsite and offsite tactics for website marketing, Jason and Michael gave listeners a rare peek into their success in SEO and internet marketing. So what did LADezign bring to the IMA round table?
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Published by: David Nordella on 09-27-2012
I first met Cindy Rakowitz at a ProVisors social networking meeting. (ProVisors is a group in Southern California composed of well over 2,000 professionals and trusted advisors that meet for the benefit of their clients: She was, and is, the CEO of Blackman Rakowitz Public Relations.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 09-26-2012
The lesson to be learned from my experience is that businesses need to be using the law of scarcity and the appeal of home and nostalgia to be selling their products or services. If you are selling meatloaf, by all means show a picture of a grandma making it by a stove surrounded by really cute toddlers.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-26-2012
The gang at LADezign found a great article by Micah Buchdahl titled, "Lead Generation for Lawyers: Converting Visitors Into Clients". This post reflects on an issue a lot of businesses, especially law firms: How to track visitors on your site and help turn them into clients? This is a complicated issue, but Buchdahl has a great approach.
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Published by: Dave Berkus on 09-25-2012
Here's a guest post from a friend and colleague of LADezign's, Dave Berkus.
Using old email lists for the first time is like eating really stale doughnuts. The taste is pretty bad, and the side effects could be disastrous.
Email companies like Constant Contact, MailChimp and many others all have strict rules they follow to avoid being caught in spam hell, with their servers blacklisted and worse. Each has automated software watching over your uploads of new lists. And each will block the use of any list they detect may be suspicious.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-21-2012
The long awaited (well, yearlong awaited) iPhone 5 has arrived! Each iPhone has been better than the last, so we're incredibly excited to see what it does for mobile business owners. To celebrate, let's look at some of our favorite free business iPhone apps over at LADezign.
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Published by: David Nordella on 09-20-2012
Robert Caruso is the Founder and CEO of He is an expert in Social Media that I have been following on Twitter for some time now. Readers of Twitter Thursday know that physicians should be regularly using social media to be building better physician-patients relationships and to market their practices. Bob wrote �Your Social Media Marketing is a Train Wreck�: This post was written out of frustration and would be a rant if Bob wasn�t so darn right!
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-14-2012
Its always interesting when a new app breaks the rules. Followerwonk, an app with a name consisting of 4 syllables yet still comes off cute and inviting, is definitely a rule breaker. Go ahead, say it five times fast. We'll wait.
So what is Followerwonk and what does it do for you? Basically it's an SEOmoz app designed to find more followers suited to your Twitter page. Searching for potential twitter followers has always been a pain because a.) They are so many bots out there b.) The search options have always been lackluster and c.) Even when you do get followers, a lot of the time they end up being competitors/more bots. But now, Tweeting business owners can relax, because Followerwonk can do the best searching for you.
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Published by: David Nordella on 09-13-2012
Tweeple often gather for social gathering called Tweetchats. Tweetchats are brainstorming sessions mixed with talk radio. They can be informative, uninhibited, funny and opinionated.
@HealthSocMed holds tweetchats on a weekly basis. They share valuable information and are worth experiencing at least once. I am going to share some highlights from @HealthSocMed tweetchat of September 12, 2012:
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-12-2012
The team at LADezign has been on a mission to find out what it takes to create the best infographic. Infographics can have a huge impact on your company and site, but in order to have it give your site a good boost in rankings, it has to be good. So what does it take to make a great infographic? Here are our thoughts.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-07-2012
David Ackert has a great post on his site talking about what a hidden treasure LinkedIn Events is and we couldn't agree more. Take a look at the post here.
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Published by: David Nordella on 09-06-2012
The Social Media Examiner is always a good resource to learn how to effectively use various social media. They share an excellent article written by Charlene Kingston that I recommend you read, �16 Creative Ways to Use Twitter for Business�:
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 09-05-2012
Some wisdom inspired by my fighting parents
As soon as I hear someone begin a sentence with "You should" or "You need to" I can feel my guard go up and my "lines of defense" being formulated. Even worse is when my interlocutor commences a sentence with "You should have." How one can reply to this varies based upon your relationship with the opinionated person. Here are some suggestions to help you tell your opinionated coworker, friend or relative: "Stop should-ing on me."
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-31-2012
The IMA Conference & Impact Awards is where innovators in internet marketing and SEO will come together to collaborate on their methods of success and goals to the future of marketing. The conference, which takes place September 20-22 at the CityCenter complex in Vegas, will give company owners and marketing strategists a chance to present their unique growth plans that have worked for them in the past and what they will use in the future.
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Published by: David Nordella on 08-30-2012
The Healthcare Marketing Exchange�s recent post �Priority Planning: The Nuts and Bolts of Engaging with Healthcare Consumers� revealed some interesting trends.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-29-2012
This is a fun tool for anybody looking to design or assist in designing their site when we may not have Photoshop at the ready (or even when we do).
ColorZilla is a color picker that can be used for small or large purposes. In its simplest form, ColorZilla is an eyedropper tool that you can use on any page you're on. It can identify any pixel color, analyze it, and load it into a personal palette for your needs. This is a great tool for designers and website owners to use together, be cause it doesn't require design software. So instead of asking for a "salmon-y" color for your new products page background and having your designer use the wrong kind of "salmon-y", you can actually have the exact color ready in your own stored palette.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-24-2012
Friendships. They are connections that can last lifetimes and have the ability to group people that under different circumstances may have never crossed paths. Not only due friendships suit the individuals in them, they have shown to be a great source for grouped consumers in a similar path. This is why social media suits both users and advertisers so well: they work together, not separately. The folks here at LADezign are always looking for new ways to promote companies through social media and friend networks.
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Published by: David Nordella on 08-23-2012
�Meme� originally meant �an idea or element of social behavior passed on through generations in a culture, especially by imitation�: Now it means somebody with a camera, a warped sense of humor and way too much free time.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-22-2012
We've discussed the importance of the right typography on LADezign before and with good reason. The right font can make an old site look modern, and a good site look better than the rest. Not only that, typography can help reinforce the branding of a site to a customer and help spread visibility in a professional community. But who has time to learn and re-learn the ever changing trends and ideas behind good typography? With the new Typography Manual app, no one has too.
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Published by: David Nordella on 08-16-2012
Should you Twitter Bulk Follow? #Follow. To Follow or not to Follow, that is the question:
Twitter etiquette dictates that you should Follow someone if they Follow you. What do you do if someone has the gall not to Follow your BRILLIANCE. (Not to say that this has happened to Twitter Thursday. It�s just a hypothetical question, of course!)
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-15-2012
Out of all the newest design developments we've seen at LADezign, some of the most entertaining come from apps. Apps are universally liked like companies and mobile users, because they provide a simplified, and often delightful, way to keep up with a company and/or organization's news.
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Published by: David Nordella on 08-09-2012
Once again, a great interview from our friend, David Nordella:
Journalists amuse us sometimes. Consider the following headline on Yahoo. �Twitter rumor leads to sharp increase in the price of oil,� The story mentioned that a rumor shared on Twitter corresponded with an increase in the price of oil.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-08-2012
We've spoken about the importance of making your site accessible to mobile users before. Mobile is in, desktops are out. The faster you adjust your site to fit the needs of mobile viewers, the less likely your site will be left behind. Here are two trends in mobile web designs.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-03-2012
It has been a long time since Gmail has had competition in the decent free email browser game, but that day has come. Microsoft will launch a new version of Hotmail, and everyone is talking about what it will offer, and for good reason. From what we can tell, it looks to be a modernized email system that most experts are predicting will catch on with email users like wildfire. So much so, in fact, that many are suggesting that you quickly register your name with, or else you could miss out on the next big thing in email. So what makes it so great? Let's take a look.
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Published by: David Nordella on 08-02-2012
Here's another great interview from our friend and colleague, David Nordella:
Twitter Thursday is taking a temporary summer break from being all work. We�ll get back to our normal beat about Twitter and healthcare practices next week. Lots of people are having fun in London right now. Let�s see what is happening.
A new challenge may be auditioning at the Olympics; Blood Sport. Twitter is in the middle of a social media showdown over the UK Summer Olympics. As regular readers of Twitter Thursday know, Twitter has been cozying up to new strategic partners. The latest is NBC. That�s right, an old media cougar.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-01-2012
A sign of a well done web design is one that is never permanent. Online businesses should always be on top of the newest advances in design technology, but changing your design for the sake of changing it isn't a good idea either. So what are some changes that will make viewers and customers see your site in a new light? We look at a few modern ideas to get your website into 2012.
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Published by: David Nordella on 07-26-2012
Here's an interview about Twitter from my friend and colleague, David Nordella:
I picked up a story that is moving through the Twitterverse from @RonaldCornell, �10 interesting health entrepreneurs talking about healthcare innovation on Twitter�: We have Followed @RonaldCornell due to his leadership in value based health. Go to to learn more about Ron.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-24-2012
Lifehacker has a great article about a new great tool for busy Gmail users called RightInbox. RightInbox is one of the easiest to use while still being incredibly useful tools we've seen in awhile and it can be a great help to all the flustered business and website owners out there. So what does it do?
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-20-2012
The Google Nexus 7 is the next generation of Tablets and it could be an incredible game-changer. What makes it so unique from The iPad or any other competitors out there? More importantly, is it worth becoming your go-to mobile device? The team here at LADezign decided to take a look.
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Published by: David Nordella on 07-19-2012
The split up between Twitter and LinkedIn is so last week! A post written by Sarah Peez on Tech Crunch leads us to believe that the break-up might have been caused by outside �interests�, �Pinterest Traffic Passes Google Referrals, Bing, Twitter & StumbleUpon�: It�s sad! These kinds of problem have been popping-up in too many households these days�
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-13-2012
Every business owner with a website knows about Google Analytics. Some like it, some have issues. For the most part there are ups and downs to Google Analytics. The plus side is that you'll get accurate results, seeing as they're from, you know, Google itself. The problem is that relying on Google Analytics is also relying on as much information as Google is willing to give. For many business owners, this has become a problem. In some ways you can't blame Google, because if you give away too much information, you lose the reason for paid searches. Free milk, buying the cow and all that.
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Published by: LA on 07-12-2012
Twitter will be crucial to the future of your medical practice. Searches for physicians and specialists are proliferating on the premier micro-blog. You need to be in front of current and prospective patients on Twitter to maintain a positive �bedside manner� between appointments.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-09-2012
PC Mag came out with their list of The Best Google Chrome Extensions of 2012 and we couldn't be more happy to see it. Adding any of these extensions to your Google Chrome browser (and at this point, is anybody using anything other than Google Chrome?) will increase your online functionality in a huge way. While the whole article is worth a look, we picked out some of our favorite extensions from the list.
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Published by: David Nordella on 07-05-2012
Twitter and LinkedIn are now the Tom and Katie of Social Media. They once had a highly functional relationship, at least on the surface. Then without warning; splitsville! Who started it? How bad had things gotten? The National Enquirer confirms that TomKat is no more! How sad for TwitLink!
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Published by: David Nordella on 06-28-2012
Many physicians know that using Social Media improves the success of their practices. Technology, in general, and Social Media, in particular, is making quantum leaps forward. Technological changes that can level the playing ground between Independent Practice Associations (small to medium groups of doctors) and larger healthcare systems are available. Twitter is a technology used by healthcare systems that smaller practices can with the same results.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 06-25-2012
One of the biggest questions website owners struggle with is whether or not to use a fluid or fixed design layout. While there are positives and negatives to either, having an adaptable layout could turn out to be an advantage now that more and more people are using mobile devices as their primary internet source. Fixed layouts are in many ways more reliable because you see exactly what your users will see. On the other hand, if a user is on your site from a small resolution device like a mobile phone, they'll likely have to scroll though a lot more space on your site.
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Published by: David Nordella on 06-21-2012
Birds of a feather don�t flock together because they are only interested in themselves. People congregate where they have interests in common. Tweeple (people on Twitter) frequently use Twitter to meet others about common concerns.
Twitter needs no social proof of their ability to influence social causes after the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan. Twitter became part of the news story when the �Arab Spring� emerged. People used Twitter to publicize their interpretation of events and to learn if others were concerned about those events.Communities were spawned on Twitter from common passions for change.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 06-15-2012
We have qualified for a $250,000 grant competition from Chase Bank and Living Social. It's for businesses involved in their local communities. To make it to the next round, we just need helping getting 250 votes by June 30, 2012.
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Published by: David Nordella on 06-14-2012
Pew Internet reports �the proportion of online adults who use Twitter on a typical day has doubled since May 2011 and has quadrupled since late 2010�at that point just 2% of online adults used Twitter on a typical day;� Twitter is being used more frequently on a daily basis.
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Published by: LA on 06-13-2012
When life gets tough and the head starts to spin, having a pet at work can help lower stress and remind us all that we have a lot to be grateful for that we may sometimes take for granted. My gratitude for the unconditional love of little kitten and the two chipper pups somehow makes me love everything else just a little bit more and helps me to find gratitude for our clients, office, and the California sunshine all anew.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 06-12-2012
The iPad has been in need of a good competitor, and it looks like Lenovo's IdeaTab S2109 Tablet is rising to the challenge. The IdeaTab S2109 is sleek, thin, and has more advanced entertainment capabilities than many tablets on the market. All of this is enough to make it a worthy competitor, yet we're excited about something else it includes: The brand spanking new Android OS, Ice Cream Sandwich.
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Published by: LA on 06-08-2012
It's so surprise that Google has a trust level with online customers that is almost impossible to build anywhere else. That's why Google Trusted Stores can be such an amazing tool for both customers and businesses. Google is giving the chance for online companies build up their reputation with customers in a way that has never been attainable before.
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Published by: LA on 06-08-2012
If we keep relinquishing our personal data to companies, we lose our privacy and individual space, which I highly doubt will be good for our collective good. Even if we have nothing to hide, we lose control over our own lives when big business can stalk us and manipulate our behavior. Whether or not we actually have any control over anything anyways in the grand scheme of life is another issue and best left for spiritual debates.
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Published by: David Nordella on 06-07-2012
Those of you that have been visiting Twitter regularly are likely to be familiar with the following message. �Loading Tweets seems to be taking a while. Twitter may be over capacity or experiencing a momentary hiccup. Try again or visit Twitter Status for more information.�
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 06-05-2012
Each company has its own version of time management. Sometimes these versions are successful, sometimes not so much. This is why ClearSync has become the time management tool du jour for many companies. But is it necessary? We explore the ways in which software like ClearSync might be just what your business needs.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 06-04-2012
LinkedIn can often be a point of contention among business colleagues. Some will sing its praises, others are sure of its failures. But what can LinkedIn really do for your Business? The answer is simpler than you think. Here are two tactics to using LinkedIn to its fullest advantage.
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Published by: David Nordella on 05-31-2012
Twitter changed its Developer Rules of the Road on May 17, 2012. One of the principles underlying the new rules is �Don't create or distribute spam.�
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 05-29-2012
Mobile apps have become the breeding ground for new and unorthodox ideas in technology, and Bump is no exception. In basic terms, the Bump app allows mobile users to to transfer business and personal contact information with each other. How do they do it? You guessed it, by bumping. By simply bumping iPhones together, your contact list will immediately be updated with their information. Its efficient and playful enough to get even the most recluse of business associates to share their info. But that's not all this app does.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 05-25-2012
This week, Yahoo released their brand new web browser extension and, short of some hiccups, has already received rave reviews. Does it live up to the hype? We took a first look and made a list of our own personal thoughts as well as what this new browser might change about web design.
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Published by: David Nordella on 05-24-2012
It�s time for business professionals to give Twitter some respect.
Linkedin may be a more interesting Social Media outlet to you. LinkedIn is structured more like your
world. You use it like a resume, although this is slowly changing. Twitter is a relatively new, and
possibly frightening, frontier for most professionals
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 05-23-2012
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a bad typeface can ruin an entire website design. Typography used to be a fascination of only the few, but now more and more designers and CEOs are jumping on the bandwagon. It has become a vital part of the web design process, and the sooner online companies structure their typeface branding, the better. Here are a few tips and tricks to finding and harmonizing your website's typeface.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 05-22-2012
Without a doubt, one of the greatest headaches for online retailers is shopping cart abandonment. Generating Traffic to your site can only go so far, and many retailers struggle to understand the cause of lost revenue when their customers fail to pull the trigger on a purchase. While it will always be an unpleasant part of running an online company, shopping cart abandonment can also be a helpful tool for understanding customer trends and creating new strategies for increased revenue. Here are 5 tips that will help you find and eradicate the causes of shopping cart abandonment.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 05-01-2012
Reading up about psychology and developments in neuroscience is the equivalent of a car owner actually opening up their manual and learning how to fold down the backseats or how to program the radio. If you are trying to be an effective leader, the more information you have about how your employees' brains work, the more effective you can be at keeping your business "machine" operating optimally.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 04-27-2012
Despite the fact that there are formal usability principles that guide the planning and development of successful websites, there are still so many sites that miss the mark in terms of basic GUI performance.
Look at it this way: you wouldn't invite someone to your house for dinner and then immediately dive into a game of hide-and-seek with your unsuspecting visitor (unless you are under age ten or crazy), so why would you get a visitor to the site and leave them wondering what the heck you do or what the heck is wrong with you.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 04-16-2012
Are people spending time on your site or do they leave when they get there because they get confused about what you sell or think your lime green flashing logo is a bit unprofessional for a koala bear site? On the other hand, if viewers are spending a decent amount of time on one particular page, pay attention to what words worked to get them there and what is good about the page. For example, may you see that people spent more time looking at pictures of stuffed squirrels this year instead of pandas. Or heck, maybe you see that the release of a new Chipmunks movies has a direct correlation to the traffic to your stuffed chipmunk page. Bottom line is that if you are not watching your analytics closely you are missing out on opportunities.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-13-2012
What are your most effective strategies for managing your time and helping your colleagues and employees to manage theirs? If this is something you haven't really thought about in terms of revising your work tactics for improved efficiency, it might just be because you don't have a reliable way to track the time devoted to various tasks and projects on given days. After all, variables like unexpected calls, meetings, minor emergencies, and other distractions make it difficult to gauge how much time a particular task takes up. Why fixate on watching a clock when a nice piece of freeware like Grindstone will do it for your workplace?
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-11-2012
How do you infuse the images on your website with the worth of a thousand words? The various photo-sharing and editing programs and software make it possible to customize, embellish, and tweak your photos to enhance the uniqueness of your brand's online image. As my Los Angeles website design team often shows me, you can make things pretty ornate with some of these fancy tools, but sometimes the simplest (and thankfully easiest) tricks and solutions are the best to suit your needs, hence the explosive popularity of the photo-sharing app, Instagram.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-10-2012
What are some specific, technical factors that influence traffic and ultimately ranking and visibility of your company? That is certainly a question that most of my Los Angeles website design clients when we begin the first stages of their SEO campaigns. Although the Google algorithm is always changing, there are indeed a handful of terms it is important to know and understand in order to generate organic and lasting traffic and SERP rankings. For this Traffic Tuesday, we'll briefly go over nine of them:
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-09-2012
How long does it take you to narrow down your searches and find what you are looking for on online classified sites? With worldwide sites like Craigslist, it can eat up quite a bit of time to modify your search inquiry to find bed frames, mopeds, job openings, or even coffee dates that fit your criteria. If you've been wishing not only for easier sorting capabilities but convenient handheld access to such a forum, then let Craigsphone bring your wait to an end.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-06-2012
How do you get your days off to productive start? Getting up when we aim to instead of hitting the Snooze button five times is usually a good beginning, but the temptation to grab another ten minutes of rest can be strong when work or personal responsibilities have us stretched particularly thin. What's worse is that those additional Z's often don't make us feel that more rested, even when we get them by accidentally disabling our alarm clocks and oversleeping (it's okay, we all do it), because that piercing sound jolts us awake unnaturally. Funny how a free mobile app like Alarm Clock Xtreme beat the conventional nightstand clocks to a solution for this.
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Published by: Matthew T. on 04-04-2012
What are the basic benefits of a Google+ business page? Google+ is the new social network recently launched by the search engine giant. Building a business profile on Google+ will help small businesses develop their customer "circles." drive traffic to their websites and promote their brand.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-03-2012
Do you have a quick and easy means of seeing who links to your company website or blog? While various social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and others send alerts when you receive a mention, share, or retweet, it's the placement of those backlinks that really count when it comes to pushing traffic so why shouldn't you have a way to view them? With Open Site Explorer, you can view the basic, important data of sites that lead back to you.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-02-2012
How often do you find yourself away on travel or simply pulling a lengthy night in the office and wondering if you properly locked up, turned off climate controls, or set lights or security features accordingly? This common scenario happens to the best of us and it can prove frustrating and distracting when we're in transit or just away from our homes, loved ones, and valuables, but with ADT Pulse you have the ability to monitor and adjust your dwelling's security system settings from anywhere.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-30-2012
How often is the quality of a photo you take on your mobile beneath your expectations? Granted, mobile cameras have come a long way in the just a few years since they were a coveted novelty, but all too often yours may fail to capture the level of detail for which you'd hoped. There may also be times when you find yourself wishing you had some of the same effects and enhancement capabilities available on a PC-based photo editing program. Well, with PicsArt Photo Studio you have exactly this in the palm of your hand. Don't worry, you don't have to be a Los Angeles website design company to afford this. It is indeed for Free Friday.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 03-29-2012
How can we now draw the lines between �my time�, �gadget time� and �work time� when we live via smart phone? And now, with the acceleration of communication times and our constant reachability, relationships can meet strife when one person doesn�t get a text reply back in less than 24 hours. This begs the question: Is anyone really relaxing anymore?
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-28-2012
So tonight i went to Santa Monica to the Milken Center to hear Jason Nazar share without bleeps the methods to his madness. He walked the audience through more than sixty minutes of a very arefully structured set of 10 steps towards building, funding and sustaining a startup. It is very rare for me to be engaged for 10 minutes let alone sixty minutes (unless it is Creflo Dollar) and this wunderkind really did it, and did it well.
so what did the co-founder of DocStoc (20 million visitors a month) have to teach the audience of hundreds?
in short i would highlight these moments
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-28-2012
How long does it take you to check your website's various individual social media accounts? Nowadays, a company's online presence cannot live on a main site alone. It's necessary to reach out to your prospective clients and start dialogues through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other sites and applications that help increase visibility. Consequently, checking, updating, and moderating these accounts goes hand in hand with your website optimization, which can eat up valuable time. Instead, consolidate your social media into one inbox with Notification Control.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-27-2012
Keyword research can help you gauge how users will respond to terms relevant to what you do and offer, but how do you anticipate their reaction to your landing page? The amount of time people spend on your home and inner pages is, after all, an important factor in the success of your SEO campaign. Long-term and legitimate rankings come from users' stopping to smell the roses rather than getting bored or frustrated and bouncing. While their individual preferences might seem time-consuming and impractical to try and predict, FiveSecondTest reveals it can happen a lot faster and quicker than you think.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-26-2012
Do you have a way to speedily print from your phone or tablet? While the need for hard copies of documents is getting gradually reduced through the availability of electronic copies, there are still many occasions for which a printed version is extremely helpful or even essential. While on a personal errand the unavailability of a printout might be a mere inconvenience, in a business setting it has the potential to be disastrous and reflect poorly on you and your brand. Don't get left behind; get a printing app like Epson iPrint.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-23-2012
How savvy is your Windows troubleshooting? While its PC's are certainly efficient, long-lasting, and user-friendly, they are vulnerable to viruses, crashes, and freezes which, as I'm sure many of you have experienced firsthand, tend to occur at the most inopportune times. Also, solving severe issues often involves reformatting and reinstalling your hard drive, and being forced to purge your computer of all your files. If you want a great tool for intercepting common PC issues before they snowball and sabotage your work or creative pursuits, look into the Windows Repair Tool (WRT) offered through
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-20-2012
How do you structure your online marketing campaign to effectively and specifically target your prospective clients? Gauging the frequency with which your first and second tier keywords are used is only one step. The next step in successful, organic search engine optimization is determining how and where users are discussing and seeking out your product or service. This element of keyword research can prove to be very time-consuming, but fortunately apps like Social Mention have come along to make the process a little speedier.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-16-2012
How do you convey an idea when words don't quite get the point across? You might use one or more of the handy doodling or illustration apps we've highlighted in previous blog posts, or you might turn to a convenient and obvious resource: Google Images. The issue with the latter solution is that many of the images that come up are not within the public domain, nor is Creative Commons license an option. This can be quite a nuisance if you are unable to generate your own images or pay to use copyrighted ones but you need visual aid in a pinch, unless you have CCFinder.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-14-2012
How do you create headlines that catch users' eyes but don't blind them to essential information by making everything big and bold? After all, depending on how much information needs to be included it is easy to make a headline that comes out looking crammed and "busy," and I've helped more than a few of my Los Angeles website design clients with balancing and adjusting the size and amount of text on their home and inner pages to make an impression and still successfully convey messaging.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-13-2012
What steps have you taken to reduce the bounce rate of your company website? That is, when a user visits your home or any of your inner pages, are there any elements (or lack thereof) that might cause them to quickly lose interest, leave, and click through to one of your competitors? Well, if they are greeted with pages that are slow to load, or fail to load entirely, that will become a moot point as most users will leave rather than wait to even have a look around. Aside from reliable web hosting, you need an easy way to keep tabs on any problem pages, and Pingdom is a handy resource for doing just that.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-12-2012
How many times a day would you estimate you type "Thanks again for your help," "Running late. Be there in ten," "Thank you very much," and scores of other commonplace phrases, signatures, and abbreviations? While these formalities may feel like a nuisance, they can have a positive impact on how colleagues and prospective clients perceive your brand and professional persona so they should be de rigeur in your correspondence habits, and now with apps like TextExpander they take up a lot less time.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-09-2012
How do you avoid having to tediously retype large blocks of text? Typically you Copy and Paste, but oftentimes protected sites and graphic documents prevent users from doing so, which is understandable given the desire to curtail plagiarism. However, there are numerous occasions where the use of precise pre-existing text is entirely ethical and appropriate. Whether we're assembling presentations or setting up local directory listings for my Los Angeles website design clients, it is preferable that written content from their sites appear consistent. However, manually retyping is not exactly time-efficient, so tools like Capture2Text come in very handy.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-07-2012
Aside from implementing user-minded navigation, text, graphics, and other elements of your homepage, how else can you ensure that your website is not only enticing and functional, but accessible to each and every one of your users? This is tricky as you cannot put yourself behind the computer and browser of each individual user that visits your site. Some will be using a brand new top-of-the-line laptop with high-speed wireless and all the latest flash players and plugins. Others might be accessing your site through a clunky eight-year-old desktop through a dial-up connection. Your users' browsing circumstances are out of your hands, but with deCSS3 you and your webmasters can have a much clearer picture of everything will load and look.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-06-2012
So you've assembled some thoughtfully written original content, how do you protect it from plagiarism? Or how do make certain that your article writing services or bloggers are delivering content that has not been poached from somewhere else? My Los Angeles website design blog often discusses the importance of publishing authentic and eye-catching writing on your blog and website and why it is an important element of your search engine optimization campaign, yet we haven't really touched on the fact that once content hits the internet, a great deal of it only stays unique for five minutes. That is, web plagiarism is more of a problem than many blog writers and business owners realize and it is important to safeguard against its ruining your reputation with both SERP's and prospective clients.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-05-2012
How many times have you as a consumer realized late in the work day that your pantry is missing some critical ingredients for the quick, healthy meal you were slated to make that night? Or, how often have you as a market manager or owner wished that there was a way to help consumers in exactly this predicament? Given the multitude of grocery list-making apps now in use, it makes sense that food supply brands should employ mobile strategies to interact better with their customers. Now there is a mobile solution called Grocery Glee to make life easier and more mutually beneficial for both sides.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-02-2012
When it's time to unwind and catch up on the latest movies, how do you arrive at a viewing choice? There are numerous accredited resources out there to help you, like Rotten Tomatoes, Indiewire, MovieFone, and any number of film critics' blogs. However, for many of us, leisurely browsing time is precious and we simply don't have time to go blog-hopping in search of trailers and reviews. Now for easy, one-stop movie catchup, there's TrailerPunk.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-29-2012
Webmasters and designers, how do you stay current on the multitude of new developments, tools, and tactics in your constantly growing field? Aside from this blog, I mean. In the current Google economy when nearly every individual and business either wants a website created or improved, there is no such thing as doing too much homework to stay at the top of your game and entice prospective clients with your knowledge of the latest and most effective design and content management concepts. Thus, Dolody needs to be added to your reader today.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-28-2012
So my images are tagged, categorized, and optimized, now what? While it's helpful to your search engine optimization campaign to label images with your keywords, there are some additional ways to connect them to your website and drive even more traffic back to you. You see, whenever your images come up in a Google Image search for related terms and gets clicked on (hence the importance of keywords in descriptions) it takes the user to your site. Also, images can not only give your SEO a nice boost, they catch user attention by putting a vibrant, tangible, face on your brand. Here's some additional tips to make your images SERP-friendly.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-27-2012
How can you make not only your brand but your business persona stand out in the world of digital communication? As I advise my Los Angeles website design clients, it's important not only to be easily accessible to your prospective customers, but to catch their eyes and hold their attention in a way that is consistent with your messaging. With so many methods of electronic messaging that are in use both inside and outside of professional environments it seems challenging to make your correspondence shine in a sea of other texts and emails. Fortunately, there are inspiring and user friendly apps like Swakker to liven up your transmissions.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-24-2012
How often do you set up reminders for yourself for specific tasks? Most of us have used such a function at some point and with my growing base of Los Angeles website design clients I can attest that I do it numerous times in a day. Electronic reminders are not only for work tasks but personal responsibilities and leisure activities outside the office as well. Whatever the case, it helps to be able to customize reminders so you receive them not at the precise time you need to be somewhere but in enough advance that you're out the door to be perfectly punctual. FollowUpThen lets you get as specific with your reminders as you like.
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Published by: Paul Premson on 02-17-2012
Recently, Google+ just celebrated its 100 millionth member, including people, brands, and businesses. While Google may not be the Facebook-killer that many thought it would be, 100 million members is nothing to ignore and many businesses and brands are now flocking to the social network to set up a page in order to engage with their fans. Setting up a page is a relatively easy process. Here are the 5 steps you need to get going with G+, along with several tips and tricks you can use along the way.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-15-2012
Is your company site or blog displaying an excess of ads, or if you don't accept them does any of your content have the appearance of advertisements? This is important as too many flashy ads, or navigation tools that look like them, can not only put off visitors, it can affect the way their eyes travel across your pages and cause them to miss the content that could lead them to the product or service of yours that would meet their needs. If you look at a few of the homepages of my Los Angeles website design clients, you won't notice any flashing boxes
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-14-2012
What are the best keywords you can be targeting in your SEO campaign? This is common question among my newer Los Angeles website design and as they quickly learn, that's like asking what is the best chess move? That is, the answer is relative to the circumstances and a number of other factors like the service or product you offer, your geographical location and how far your business will extend beyond it, and who your audience is.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 02-14-2012
I recently watched a documentary about the acting teacher Roy London, in which one of his former students said that, To Know is about ego, to NOT know is about growth. As someone who is actively looking for ways to learn and improve, this quotation gave me much food for thought.
Every day I see battles of egos at play and watch as ego preserving barriers block individuals from learning and growing. In the workplace, the inability of employees to see the less than pleasant character traits beneath their egos poses a great problem for their growth and ability to contribute to the success of their companies. By recognizing that pride and ego create resistance to personal and professional development, we can then start as individuals to really see where we can improve.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-13-2012
Do you ever wish the videos you create on your phone looked a little more sleek and professional than, well, a video you made on a phone? Certainly we would all like the video content we make and publish in our names to look as good as possible, but not all of us have the time or resources to go to film school. Now, with a highly user friendly app called Cinefy, you can make seemingly basic mobile footage into an eye-catching, effects-laden movie clip faster than you can say Eisenstein.
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Published by: Scott Morgan on 02-09-2012
Google+ might be the newest kid on the social media block, but it already has a steady and devoted following. And with Google's ever-increasing popularity, there has never been a better time to join the ranks of businesses that are using it. If you are already investing time, money and effort several in other social media sites, you might be hesitant to add another one to the list. However, that would be a bad and potentially costly idea. Here are 5 reasons why Google+ is definitely no minus.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-07-2012
So you've set up a Twitter account for your business, now what? You've probably noticed that most company websites you'll visit have their Twitter widgets on prominent display, but this alone is not enough to attract and retain followers and put this platform to productive use for your online visibility. The micro-blogging capabilities of Twitter have been available since 2005, and there are still many business entities and individuals (my Los Angeles website design clients included) that are only now discovering what it can do. Utilizing social media, especially that which is free like Twitter, can be a very effective traffic-boosting tool, but you have to be aware of some basic guidelines.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-06-2012
Did you know that according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration survey 45% of teens admit to texting behind the wheel, and that an estimated 500,00 fatalities have been determined to be the results of distracted driving? While many of us try to set the example and keep our smartphones out of our hands when behind the wheel, it's easy to give into impulse traffic slows and that message alert goes off, and it's easy to see why.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-01-2012
So your website's written content is now thoughtfully composed, geared towards SEO, and resizable; are we forgetting anything else? Think about how you read informational content on a website. You don't really read it, do you? You scan it for the most concrete details relevant to what you want or need. If your text is not conducive to being scanned, then you might be inadvertently feeding your bounce rates by frustrating prospective clients who are pressed for time and getting headaches from sifting through huge chunks of writing. I'll explain.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-31-2012
How often have you posted content that you knew was gold, but that garnered only a handful of Likes, comments, and shares? Oftentimes, this outcome has less to do with the relevance or value of the content itself than it does when you decided to put it out there. This is why it is important to spend some time determining on what times and days of the week are the maximum numbers of users from your targeted audience going to be online.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-30-2012
What precautions have you taken to ensure that your clients' personal data stays safe in the increasingly ubiquitous cloud-based world? There is no denying that cloud storage and software is great for preserving your files and superior for keeping us organized by consolidating our important items in one or two accessible places. However, with such a convenience come familiar security risks that often start with password theft, which is why we cannot highlight too many security apps and programs to ensure that your private information stays that way, especially if they can eliminate the hassle of password resets. Enter MyLok.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-27-2012
How many steps does it take for you to reach various files and folders on your PC? Oftentimes, no matter how well we think we have our desktop items organized, it still takes a few moments of retracing our clicks and digging to find what we need, during which you probably find yourself thinking, "I wish I could right-click once and have everything in front of me." Well, now you can with the Windows extension, MyFolders.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-26-2012
Do you make your website�s features adaptable to the needs of your prospective clients, or do you assume they will make the effort to adapt to you? For Los Angeles website design and business owners alike, optimizing a site for usability can be difficult when it comes to the look and feel of your vision versus what will best accommodate the full spectrum of your users.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-24-2012
Aside from your existing SEO efforts, what are you doing to push traffic when you're offline? While there are a countless varieties of programs, applications, analytical tracking sites, and software, I think we can all agree that nothing will ever replace the experience of face-to-face meetups and exchanges. Even with the instantaneous, one-click access we have to one another in the Google world, I make a point of attending regular business networking meetings because I always come away with valuable new contacts, ideas to implement in my Los Angeles website design company, and lots of those ever desirable Likes, Adds, and Shares.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-23-2012
When was the last time you needed to find the answer to a question on the spot? This happens to most of us several times a day, so most the most likely answer is Google, right? Well, think about when you need the answer to a conditional, multi-level question. Entering it into a search engine- even in quotes- will pull up related information and links but finding a precise, whittled-down answer is a little harder. However, features like Siri and apps like Wolfram Alpha are making it much easier to perform research and devise solutions in seconds.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-18-2012
Aside from "click misery," what other site navigation issues can plague users? There are numerous features and programs that served the now dwindling printed world well that are not carrying over to the Google world as smoothly, and the presence of PDF's on websites is one of them. You'll notice that no portion of my Los Angeles website design site presents you with a PDF file, and that is because my team and I are aware that if it did it would inspire lots of eye rolls, groans, and bounces. Yet, there are still quite a few websites that employ these files, often in excess.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-17-2012
How resourceful are your methods of reaching out to new users? Employing interactive online marketing that engages prospective customers by showing not only what you do but why you're good often reveals that your targeted audience is even bigger than you think. We pointed out guest blogging and replying to comments as a way of communicating with your users and writing pillar posts as a means of demonstrating your brand's knowledge and value, and now we'll get into a means of bringing these benefits together: participating in Question and Answer sites.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-13-2012
What do you do when you're in a library, quiet office setting, or simply without your earphones or functioning sound and want to watch an online video? It could be anything from a smartphone tutorial to work-related content to the au courant funny cat video, but in most cases it's neither helpful nor entertaining if you can't hear what's being said. With online video content becoming more prolific every day, it makes sense to have a handy (and free) download like JustSubsPlayer.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-11-2012
Want to gauge your site's usability for first-time visitors? An easy way to do this is to put yourself in their shoes and spend a few minutes playing around with your search function. Look up various products, services, or content you offer with slight variations in spelling or search terms. How accurate are the results that come up and how many attempts did it take to pull up what you were looking for, if it came up at all? If it took several tries, you may want to assess the search capabilities you offer your prospective clients within your site or risk a significant bounce rate.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-10-2012
Which guidelines do you use when composing your description meta tags? Meta tags are significant because they affect what users will instantly see when they view your listing on SERP's; this bit of text is known as a "snippet," and optimizing it through the information you include can not only boost your rankings but catch the attention of your prospective customers. Snippets can be especially helpful for improving rankings for specific keywords, which can work in your favor if your immediate competitors are highly noteworthy and established brands, and such small steps pave the way for big click-through and conversion rates.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-09-2012
How are you making certain you stay on track with each of your New Year's resolutions...or just making sure you're up for that early conference call Friday morning? With holiday break at its end and business back in full swing for most of us, it's essential to have a comprehensive and instantly accessible to-do list like Wunderkinder 6's very handy app, Wunderlist.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-06-2012
What tools do you have for capturing great ideas for fresh content on the fly? Or rather, what do you do when you realize need to change material you just published from your PC after you've already headed out the door? One of the keys to succeeding in the growing Google economy is performing with real time immediacy.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-04-2012
Do you ever venture somewhere and get the instant feeling you've been there before? This can happen online when we click on a website or inner page we've previously visited because nothing made it apparent we'd been there before, thus causing us frustration and eating up valuable time. And as you'll notice if you look at any of my Los Angeles website design clients' retuned sites, my team produces navigation that saves users' browsing time instead of wasting it.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-03-2012
What have you resolved to do in 2012 to push more traffic to your company�s website? As we have noted about search engine optimization, there is no single, magic wand maneuver that gets you to number one on the SERP�s overnight, but rather a multitude of smaller link-building tactics that when used patiently and strategically, can deliver relevant traffic and organic rankings that stick. However, just as the algorithm of Google and other search engines changes to filter results more accurately, the impact of these individual tactics can fluctuate, as a recent study by Pew Internet and American Life Foundation shows us.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 12-16-2011
Having a site that is not up-to-date is basically like trying to run a cafe in a ghost town, you may get a tourist or two once a month, but they will probably just think you are crazy and ask you for the directions to Walmart.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-16-2011
What's your strategy for completing your holiday shopping early so you're not stuck doing it at the last minute? If you�re like many of us, you probably don't have the former and are currently struggling with the latter. As we count down to the final days before the year�s end, the product and price selections get progressively slimmer, making it a time-consuming challenge to knock down those last few items on the list. Even with the speed and one-click convenience of e-commerce, checking availability and locating the best deal can require a lot of sifting. Thankfully, The Find's free Shopping App can take over this task for you.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-14-2011
Just as it can be helpful to learn from the errors of other webmasters and designers like those whose sites were featured last Web Design Wednesday, it can be just as informative and inspiring to look through sites that are doing things right. A brand's online presence doesn�t necessarily have to offer a multitude of top-of-the-line functions and features; it might just offer a single solution that works especially well. Such is the case with many of the websites that made the cut for Digital Inspiration's 101 Most Useful Websites
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-13-2011
What steps have you taken to maximize traffic from the mobile web? A lot of bloggers and WordPress-based small business owners don't necessarily give thought to how their website is going to look when viewed on a smartphone�until they see it for themselves and realize what a difficult browsing experience their mobile-based users will have to contend with. This can be an alarming revelation in terms of your quest to drive hits and build traffic because of the potentially large numbers of visitors who may have tried to reach you via iPhone and bounced from your site when it was unreadable. Yet, there's no reason this problem can't be fixed easily and for free with WP Touch.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-12-2011
What type of cloud storage is the best to suit your needs? With the mobile and PC spheres overlapping more and more, you have quite a few programs to choose from. Syncing up your devices and files through cloud storage can seem overwhelming at first but having the bulk of your important data all in one place that�s accessible from any location will really make your personal and professional life operate much more smoothly. You just need an easy app like SugarSync to tie everything together in a minimal number of taps to get you started.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-09-2011
How organized is your online holiday shopping this year? It's easy to let the hectic nature of this happy season get the better of you when the wish lists of family members, friends, and colleagues require you to visit numerous e-commerce sites and keep track of various shopping carts, payments, and passwords. It's no wonder so many of us hand these tasks over to assistants. Yet, what if you had the support of four assistants in one simple and free browser app that consolidates all your shopping data? With Billeo, you do.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-07-2011
Which website problems stand out the most to you? The answer to this question can differ from user to user depending on their patience, online browsing prowess, and technical knowledge of how a highly functional and optimized site should load, look, and run. Yet one thing remains certain: in terms of user feedback and observations, no webmaster ever learned anything from a compliment, which is why this Web Design Wednesday encourages business owners and designers alike to spend some time looking through a helpful site called Problem Websites.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-06-2011
Supplying your company blog with fresh and engaging content that drives traffic to your site doesn't always require putting lots of time and research into a lengthy post. In fact, this Traffic Tuesday's tip is not only quick, simple, and free, it can even serve to do a little research your users for you. I'm referring, of course, to blog polls, and specifically to Wordpress's handy plugin that lets you create and post them easily.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-05-2011
When was the last time a meeting or transaction had to be put on hold because a critical shipment containing a single, contract, or other vital contents arrived late or was lost altogether? Aside from the professional sphere, how often have you been inconvenienced because a package for your spouse, child, distant relative, or even you got lost?
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Published by: LA on 12-05-2011
In Les Miserables Victor Hugo wrote, "The beautiful is as useful as the useful. Perhaps more so." As a lover of art and design, this has long been one of my favorite quotations to cite, however in the realm of web site design, I often ponder the extent to which this statement would apply. I am always on the lookout for great web sites and every so often there comes a time when I see a beautiful site design with an expensive flash introduction that then falls apart when I try to use the site.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 12-02-2011
How many times has an important meeting been postponed or cancelled because of the varying availability and remote locations of its participants or the difficulty of sharing complex presentations and documents? Many of you might instantly point out online conferencing programs like GoToMeeting, which is an excellent solution that, as its users will acknowledge, doesn't come cheap. If you�re looking for a non-invasive, easy-to-setup computer-to-computer communication tool that offers pretty much the same features for free, go to Yugma instead.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-30-2011
While it's important for a site to look polished and visually pleasing, aesthetic features should never be added at the expense of usability or your SEO campaign. There�s no use in making your pages attractive if their functionality is significantly impaired. From image resizing to simple but eye-catching calls to actions, I�ve helped many of my Los Angeles website clients find a balance of professionalism and flair. Many inquire how the placement of their Flash files (vector graphics, animation, gradients, etc.) fits into this picture. Oftentimes, it doesn�t, and I can give you a few reasons why.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-29-2011
Feel like you�re running on empty for fresh ideas for your blog posts? Don�t panic when you can set aside a little extra time to research and write a quality pillar post. The effort can be worth it when you begin attracting new readers and prospects as well as bringing you lasting search engine traffic.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-28-2011
How safe are the cards in your wallet against the pickpocket you can't see? Mobile and digital technology is enabling us to complete a bevy of commonplace errands in a fraction of the time they used to eat up when performed manually. As previous Mobile Mondays have covered, everything from organizing your passwords to obtaining a signature to close a deal can be accomplished by opening an app on your phone.
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Published by: LA on 11-22-2011
Although business strategists discuss ad nauseum the importance of having a blog due to its ability to help with SEO and promote a brand, many would-be bloggers can't work up the gumption or find the time to get started. To help the fearful procrastinators begin to flex their writing muscles, I have prepared a brief plan that will help anyone commence promoting their highly valued (I would hope for your sake) opinions on the glorious and ruthless world wide web.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-21-2011
What part of preparing for the approaching Thanksgiving holiday could you most easily do without? At the top of many people's lists is the task of grocery shopping, and it's no wonder. Braving the jam-packed parking lots and crowds, navigating aisle after ransacked aisle for the last can of cranberry sauce, and waiting in interminable lines don't make for the most relaxing evening, especially for those of us who work right up until the last minute. Now, I can't relieve you of supermarket duty but what I can do is steer you towards a handy, time-saving app to make this chore a little less painful: ShopShop.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-18-2011
When was the last time having to do basic math caught you off-guard? Don�t be embarrassed. It happens to the sharpest and the brightest of us if we're not accustomed to regularly crunching numbers. To alleviate this inconvenience, it's best to have a fast, reliable, quickly accessible calculator. Windows provides one, but having to go into the Start menu to pull it up can be kind of a nuisance. Instead, get the speedy and free alternative: CalcuTray.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 11-16-2011
As I crunch on my afternoon apple and try to see the ocean through the smog I can�t help but think about how much better I suddenly feel after just a few bites. I feel smarter and more eager to do the best keyword research ever. Over the last couple years I have started to see more and more articles discussing the impact of certain foods on cognitive function. When I read lengthy articles on the benefits of garlic on the immune system and long commentaries on how walnut extract may help treat Alzheimer�s disease, I cannot help but wonder why anyone who cares about their work performance would not give more thought to how their food intake impacts their ability to think and function.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-16-2011
Have you taken a peek at how your website loads, looks, and functions when viewed on a mobile phone? Many business owners doing so for the first time experience a rather rude awakening, and immediately appreciate the growing necessity of having a mobile-optimized version of a company website, which marketers indicate 64% of companies now do.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-15-2011
Wouldn't it be great if you could publish and share documents as easily as you can a video on your Youtube channel? Now, there is an increasingly popular, and SEOMoz-endorsed, social reading and publishing site called Scribd that allows you to do just this. Described as "the YouTube for documents," Scribd allows you to upload files in a variety of formats, optimize them for SEO just as you would a video, and share them directly or through embeddable links.
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Published by: Jessica Brozyna on 11-15-2011
To Answer or not to Answer
When the phones are ringing and your inbox seems to ready to spill out of your computer screen you may wonder how can I get everything done? Some experts advocate answering one reply emails immediately while some seasoned office workers find it better to create complex color-coded to-do lists in order to help prioritize what to handle first.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-14-2011
Are you looking for a quick, cheap way to increase the strength of your WiFi signal? No one likes dealing with unreliable wireless whether they�re shopping, researching, transmitting messages, or corresponding in regards to a time-sensitive professional matter. I understand that more than anyone with the number of Los Angeles website design projects I keep up with simultaneously. While weak signal strength sometimes seems like something you just have to deal with, you might be surprised to learn that boosting those bars so can be as easy as cracking a nice, cold beer.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-11-2011
How many times have you missed or showed up late to a meeting, event, or conference because the seemingly simple reminder tool on your PC was obscured by other programs and windows, or failed to appear at all? While it's happened to all of us at one point or another, that doesn't mean that our clients, colleagues, or even friends and family members will always be understanding due to The Little Appointment Reminder That Couldn't. And there's no reason they should have to be since Outlook has taken a cue from its user feedback and started offering an improved (and of course, free) Reminder Alerts feature.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-09-2011
How do you tackle having to correct, sharpen, or otherwise edit massive numbers of images? For even the most expert Photoshop user, such a process can consume valuable time and resources. If you or your designers are spending hours making the same repetitious adjustments to hundreds of image files, this Web Design Wednesday has a helpful tip for making the process much faster and easier: automating your Photoshop actions.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-08-2011
Are you utilizing the latest social media tool to connect to Google and your online audience?
For a relatively new social media platform, Google Plus has expanded rapidly and gained momentum and popularity tantamount to Facebook and Twitter in just a few months. Much like these established social networking sites, Google Plus is now encouraging not only individual users but also businesses to join and create pages. Setting up a Google Plus page for your business is free, easy, and beneficial for building a community around your brand and driving traffic to your site.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-07-2011
How many times have you jotted down important information from a meeting only to lose track of it in the pages of an already disordered and scribble-laden legal pad? In the increasingly fast-paced Google business world, as well as in many of our kids� academic institutions, old-fashioned pen-and-paper note-taking is giving way to electronic tablet-based organization tools like the iPad, Kindle, and others. Consequently, you have your choice of note-taking apps for your reminders, ideas, and projects.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-04-2011
How do you go about sending large documents and files?
If you have ever been sent a sizable file that was not properly compressed, you know what an inconvenience it can be. After irritatingly lengthy download time, you also discover that an enormous amount of your hard disk space has been eaten up in order to receive and store the attachment. Chances are you were a little irked at the colleague or acquaintance who sent you that file without taking the time to adjust it with an effective archiving and compression tool like 7-Zip.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-02-2011
In yesterday's Traffic Tuesday post, we pointed out that creating Youtube videos is an excellent way to enhance your SEO success and to connect with your prospective clients. While this point is a given for many business owners, the finer points of making their videos valuable to users and effective in increasing conversion rates are not always so obvious, to the point that entire consultancies like Paul Bryan's Usography have been created. Bryan, who has been designing websites since 1995, offers some tips on how to optimize user experience or "UX."
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-01-2011
Do You Know How Powerful Videos Can Be for Your Business Reputation and SEO Rankings Too?
The key to building a steady, organic flow of traffic to your company website is knowing how to optimize different types of content whether it�s an image, a local listing, a Facebook page, or in the case of this Traffic Tuesday, a Youtube video.
Perhaps you�ve dismissed the necessity of having a Youtube channel associated with your business because you are skeptical that that many users would have an interest in watching a video about what you do and offer. However, a thoughtfully planned and engaging video that has been optimized and published to drive traffic can have a very positive effect on your SEO campaign and your online visibility to users.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-31-2011
How many times have you departed your office for a stretch of time only to realize that particular document, presentation, or other type of file you�re going be needing shortly is still on your PC? It�s enough of a nuisance when you�re a quick twenty-minute drive from your workplace, but imagine making this realization just as your business flight from New York to Tel Aviv has just taken off. Even with a mostly electronically based office like my Los Angeles website design company, such a dilemma is still possible.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-28-2011
While we've talked about several easy strategies for keeping your PC clean and uncluttered so that it runs as fast as possible, there is still the matter of making certain that getting rid of unnecessary programs actually banishes them for good. Adding software and tools to your computer is usually as simple as clicking Install and Run, but removing them can present a few more steps, and they vary from program to program.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-26-2011
Is an overload of content on your homepage obscuring the key messaging of your business website?
While there exist plenty of functional and eye-catching features, your own site doesn�t necessarily need to employ them all at once.
In fact, the purpose of this Web Design Wednesday is to explain why you should take care to do the opposite if you want a homepage that really does its job.
Ask yourself this question: "How many people land on your website for the first time and start running for the hills without leaving you their forwarding address?"
Tim Ash, CEO of Sitetuners, a landing page optimization and conversion consulting company, elaborates on a commonplace problem on many company websites in answering this fundamental question.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-25-2011
How accessible are you to your prospective customers through your company website blog? As I�ve mentioned before, having a great product or service behind your online presence is nothing if you don�t offer users the incentive to learn more about it and make the move to make a purchase or set a transaction in motion. Many a Traffic Tuesday has noted that generating successful and lasting web traffic does not just boil down to algorithms and formulae, but to using your site to reach out to individual people in the related community so they know you�re out there and active.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-24-2011
Would you like to ALSO track sales opportunities through your mobile phone?
How do you, your partners, and employees keep track of your company�s various sales leads and transactions?
As I am constantly running around Los Angeles meeting our web design and SEO clients, the chance of making a potential deal turn into a lucrative close or an abrupt loss can happen in a matter of hours. So I think it's vitally important to keep a reliable sales log as current and accessible as possible.
Now, we�ve all filled in plenty of Excel spreadsheets and marked up our share of whiteboards, but in the growing Google economy, an app like Sales CRMEzi lets you consolidate figures, commissions, quotas, and more into your iPhone.
Sales CRM Ezi basically lets you organize, update, and share your leads anywhere from your phone.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-21-2011
How many times have your correspondences and projects run into inconvenient delays because an important file was sent to recipients in a format they were unable to open? This not only creates bothersome holdup with frequently time-sensitive matters, it can make both the sender and recipient look inefficient and technologically behind-the-times.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-19-2011
On many a Web Design Wednesday we have stressed the importance of having a website that not only looks appealing but offers optimal usability. Like I emphasize to all of my Los Angeles web design clients, representing your brand with an inviting and user friendly website is not only valuable for catching the attention of prospective clients, but also for interacting with and retaining existing ones. You will likely find users turning to your site not only to check out your blog and updated products or services, but also to seek customer assistance.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-17-2011
How safe is your computer when you step away from it?
Even the best anti-virus and Spyware prevention programs and software cannot protect your PC if an actual person steps in and decides to go nosing around where they shouldn�t.
Usernames and passwords can only offer so much security if yours are easy to figure out or if the �intruder� happens to already know them.
I am constantly running around my office and I can easily see how someone could be waiting at my desk, turn the screen around and do things on my PC without me ever realizing it.
Now though, there is a first-of-its-kind piece of shareware called Lockitnow! that allows you to fully but easily lock your PC with your mobile phone.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-14-2011
When outlining the benefits of various freeware alternatives to renowned (but often pricey) programs and apps that we have profiled on many Free Fridays past, one the features you�ve probably seen highlighted is the accurate recreation of familiar user interface. In less technical terms, this simply means that a freeware substitute effectively "mimics" the distinct placement of shortcuts, icons, and tools offered by the program it is meant to resemble. While this is just a perk of many items, it is the main purpose behind today�s featured goodie: ObjectDeck.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-12-2011
Tonight at sunset begins the annual Jewish Festival of the Harvest, Sukkot, when we traditionally come together to construct a thatched booth, or Sukkah, in our backyards and then share a meal under its roof. The purpose of this holiday is not only to commemorate the Israelites' desert exodus from Egypt, but to remove ourselves from our typical surroundings and be moved to reconsider the true sources of our joys. At one time or another, we each get a little fixated on the black-and-white, surface level definitions of goodness and quality, and end up neglecting the valuable details within both our personal and professional lives.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-11-2011
As we�ve pointed out in numerous previous Traffic Tuesdays, many of the tricks to driving more traffic to your company�s website won�t cost you a cent or take more than a few minutes of your time each week.
A great example of such a technique, that will not only get you accurately indexed by search engines but will also appeal to your visitors, is internal linking.
Internal linking, if you are not familiar with it, refers to when a link within your site is linked to another page of your site.
While internal linking might sound redundant or lacking in productive purpose, it is a practice that I implement not only with my Los Angeles website design clients but even in the sites of my own various company sites and accompanying blogs to make sure that Google is aware of, and can thus index, all of the pages on a website.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-10-2011
Are You Ready for the Virtual World Yet of Videon Conferencing?
According to a recent study by Global Industry Analysts, Inc., the international market for video conferencing is anticipated to reach approximately $11 billion by 2015, and that is not simply because the capability is trendy.
The use of video conferencing saves business owners, along with their employees and clients, time and travel expenses, not to mention promotes a forward-minded �green� company image by reducing the need to use air or road transport to bring call participants together.
Furthermore, this technology also preserves the human touch of face-to-face interaction even when individuals are based in remote locations with varying time zones, or on especially busy schedules.
Given that my Los Angeles website design and SEO company has offices and affiliates across the country and abroad, I certainly know the value of being able to conduct remote business efficiently and economically.
For the many business leaders in similar situations it makes perfect sense that an app like ooVoo Video Chat should make this innovation available in reliable mobile form.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-07-2011
Have You Embraced the Coming Electronic Documents Age Yet?
While many companies have successfully transitioned to being paperless offices, or have just cut down on the amount of pen-and-paper transactions and tasks that your daily operations call for, you probably still have the occasional need to print documents.
I would say I can count on one hand the number of times per week that myself or any employee in the Los Angeles office of my website design company actually prints anything since so much can now be accomplished electronically.
However, since you don't need to be processing the multitude of print jobs you might have had to twenty years ago, you won�t necessarily need a pricey, multifaceted program full of features you�re never going to use.
Instead, you�d probably be better off sticking with a �bare bones� printer system with a reliable print auditing program to ensure that the printouts executed do not exceed the printouts needed.
Several of these programs are available at little to no cost, like this Free Friday�s pick, PaperCut.
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Published by: LA on 10-05-2011
How Credible Is Your Website?
In nearly every prior Web Design Wednesday blog post, we�ve discussed how the topical feature or suggestion would serve the underlying purpose of building your online credibility.
Cultivating the credibility of your website is important because in the current age, the online image of your company will be the most prominent and easily accessible representation of you available to prospective customers. Not only do their initial impressions of your website matter, but also the ways in which they perceive and respond to it long term, because this ultimately makes the difference between your enterprise establishing itself as a leader or getting passed over for competitors.
In fact, you may even find yourself questioning the various tips we share in this Los Angeles website design blog every week and wondering how credible and effective they actually are.
If you�re still finding yourself a little skeptical of my own words, take a look ...
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Published by: LA on 10-04-2011
Adding images to your company�s website doesn�t just offer up attention-catching eye candy for your existing visitors, it can help draw new ones to your website by helping you appear more prominently in SERP�s.
Having been in the business of Los Angeles website design and SEO for over ten years, I make certain that the images incorporated into my clients� sites are not simply uploaded but optimized. A few of the tactics that I employ are quick and simple enough for you to put into practice in your own online marketing efforts next time you add images to your site.
In terms of what Google notices, images are a great showcase for your keywords.
Take care when labeling images.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 10-03-2011
With the numerous lurking threats of viruses, identity theft, and other hacker trickery, keeping your various online accounts and profiles secure has never been more important, and this ties into a necessary evil with which we�re all familiar: passwords.
Does it make your day go any faster to revisit a site to edit your account, make a purchase, or complete any other basic task only to realize you forgot the very login information you created only a short while ago and will need to reset it?
Furthermore, do any of you enjoy having to come up with a nonsensical series of upper and lowercase letters and numbers for each individual account you have?
I didn�t think so, and neither did the creators of this great piece of mobile software ...
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-30-2011
In several previous Free Friday posts, we�ve noted that in addition to no-cost alternatives to programs like Microsoft Office, Photoshop, and Quickbooks, there are certainly free- and surprisingly streamlined- email systems available as well.
Every company needs to utilize email, but even platforms with low costs can add up quickly for businesses with limited funds. Also, why pay even $5 when you can have easily adaptable and multifaceted email solutions like eM Client for nothing?
Credited by as offering a formidable �Outlook clone,� eM Client offers an interface that users accustomed to Outlook appreciate, along with fast, fully integrated features.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-28-2011
We've all heard the adage, "Nobody ever learned anything from a compliment."
Well, this can also apply to determining how to optimize your business website.
One of the most helpful ways to avoid web design mistakes is to recall your own visits to sites that already made them and ended up putting you through a less than convenient browsing experience you don't want your own visitors to endure.
As we have discussed on several other Web Design Wednesdays, making your online presence user-friendly is all about putting yourself in your users' shoes and behind their cursors. I know one basic detail- or lack thereof- that really gets under my skin is the absence of a HOME tab.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-27-2011
Are Web Directories Dead Yet?
In our quest to get our clients' websites indexed and prominently ranked on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, we tend to keep our efforts search engine-focused, while there exists a valuable and frequently overlooked tool that can drive the traffic your website needs: online directories.
Web Directories are sites that classify web links by placing them in appropriate categories and subcategories.
Listing your website in these directories offers cheap- or often free- and easy exposure and a few other benefits to boot.
Submitting the clients of my Los Angeles web design and SEO company to online directories is a routine part of our campaign efforts.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-26-2011
How Fast is Your Android Mobile Phone?
In an earlier post, we detailed several quick and simple strategies to speed up the operations of your PC, as it can get easily slowed down by a loaded cache, data history, and cookies.
As we�ve also noted on several Mobile Mondays, our smartphones have become portable- and in some sense even more capable - PC�s that we carry everywhere and use constantly to manage our professional and personal lives.
With all that use, they encounter essentially the same problems our desk and lap tops do; that is, their memory and space gets used up and they get sluggish. If this sounds like your Android, then History Eraser might be all it needs.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-23-2011
Bring Out the GIMP�shop, That Is
In recent Free Friday posts, we�ve already gone over cost-free alternatives to commonly de rigueur- but also expensive- office applications and services like Microsoft Office and Quickbooks. Yet, not every enterprise�s needs are limited to accounting and word processing.
If you work in multimedia, flash, logo, or website design (like me), you are probably all too familiar with a program called Photoshop.
Photoshop is a highly versatile graphic editing tool that has set the standard for creating and editing digital images. Purchasing it also runs you approximately $700, which for many freelance designers and quite a few businesses is an unfeasibly hefty price tag.
Wouldn't it be nice to find a cheaper alternative? or even a free one?
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-21-2011
Have You Ever Thought About What Keeps You Interested in A Website You Are Browsing?
Put in another way, what content really helps to sell you on a provider or seller�s quality?
For me, a big factor in what makes me go from a browser to a buyer is an indication that a company has not only worked with but satisfied and even impressed other clients with circumstances similar to mine.
As we�ve discussed in multiple previous blog posts, when a prospective customer visits your homepage, you�ve got a very brief window in which to catch a viewer's attention and demonstrate your value and relevance to their needs.
An excellent way to slip under their radar and still achieve this goal is by displaying ....
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-20-2011
Have You Yelped Lately?
It�s a shame how many business owners, namely those behind smaller enterprises, discount the impact that a Yelp listing can actually have on their online search engine campaign as well as their visibility to local audiences.
All too frequently, Yelp gets dismissed as a forum for people to post complaints about businesses. In reality, it has grown into much more of an online presence.
Much like in my earlier post about how social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are the often overlooked �low hanging fruit� of the traffic quest, Yelp presents another free and easy opportunity to bring hits to your website.
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Published by: LA on 09-19-2011
Are You and Your Mobile Prepared for the Worst Thing That Could Happen?
I mean besides your mother-in-law surprising you for a sleepover, the next worst thing is losing your mobile lifeline - ie. your cell goes on the fritz.
Backing up the files and information on one�s personal computer to protect them against power surges, viruses, and other hazards has become a pretty commonplace precaution.
However, now that a typical mobile phone is capable of storing at least as much data as a basic computer, it is now just as important to give it the same level of protection.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-16-2011
Famous last words: "My computer never crashes"
Now that's funny.
How protected are the files on your computer in the event of a fire, power surge, hard drive collapse, or any number of other disasters that can wipe out your irretrievable document, pictures, videos, and other files?
Aside from the sentimental cost of losing personal files forever, the professional consequences of your client files and contacts being permanently erased could be catastrophic.
I don�t even like to consider the scenario of the customer data for all my magazine subscription, SEO, and web design clients getting simultaneously fried, but I know it can happen so I take the precaution of backing it up online.
I happen to use a secure system from Mozy but there are alternatives and you can do it too, easily (and yes, for free) with the Amazon Cloud Drive.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-14-2011
If you have used the internet you have probably had the experience of clicking on a link and being greeted with an error or redirection message categorized by a three-digit code, the most common being 404 (meaning the site no longer exists), 302 (meaning the site has been moved temporarily), or 301 (meaning the site has been permanently redirected).
The last of these codes is especially important- and noteworthy for Web Design Wednesday- because moving your site or changing its domain carelessly can cost you both users and search engine ranking.
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Published by: LA on 09-13-2011
How many blogs and websites do you typically keep up with?
More importantly, how do you go about doing this?
Given that there are new developments, announcements, and theories every day concerning website design and search engine optimization, I need to do my homework for my clients, so I follow a ton of SEO blogs and technology news sites. However, I certainly do not have time each morning to visit each individual site and check to see which ones have new stories and which do not.
This is why I subscribe to RSS feeds, and why I submit my sites� feeds to directories and promote them to prospective clients.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-12-2011
How many business cards do you typically collect at a given conference, trade show, or networking event?
How well do you organize and integrate them into your existing contacts without Outlook or some other CRM system?
With the days of the classic rotary rolodex falling behind us, it is ideal that we manage our new and existing directory of professional connections as we are now managing most elements of our lives; that is, accessible by a couple of clicks on our mobile devices.
Certainly, given the number of new prospects and reciprocal business connections I collect for my web design and SEO company in just a week or two, I appreciate a streamlined app for loading cards onto my phone
There are actually quite a few of these programs available, and we liked WorldCard Mobile the best
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-09-2011
As we discussed in an earlier Free Friday post that profiled the free bookkeeping capabilities of Nevitium Invoice Manager, simply because a certain program, application, or service is necessary to operate a business does not mean there is always room for its subsequent cost within a budget.
Even our web site design and SEO company began as a small operation that relied on cheap but efficacious administrative tools.
This is especially the case with smaller enterprises and start-ups and commonplace but costly programs like Microsoft Office.
Yet, owners and employees need to create and share documents, spreadsheets, and presentations like most everyone else, and now they can do this for free
Read on.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-07-2011
If you have TEXT on your website, read this blog post and don't even consider forgetting it. And as Dr. Oz just wrote, this sentence it followed with a period and then a paragraph.
Seriously don't forget what you are about to read because the free website I am referencing is mind-blowing. I won't even steal an image of something graphically mindblowing because this blog post is about text, let it convey the message with text (just conveniently ignore the image of the website).
Updating and adding new written content to your website can be a complex and time-consuming process, even if you are just making minor changes to your web copy.
It is important not only to proofread written content for accuracy and professionalism, but to select just the right font to make the text updates consistent with the rest of your site.
Web Designers will go crazy with what i am about to share.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-06-2011
How often do you send out emails?
I can attest that as a business owner balancing a magazine subscription service and a web design and SEO company, I write and send out hundreds of emails each day.
Electronic correspondence has become the primary method of communication in most companies, both for internal communication and client outreach.
Given that you send an email even more frequently than you update your website, add a blog post, or share a new Facebook story or Tweet, wouldn�t it be productive if each outgoing message could contain a device to drive traffic back to you?
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-02-2011
Are you looking for ways to be more efficient with your time?
How about just a nifty tool for your PC?
As technology affords us increasingly simple one-click access to the programs, applications, and files we need to complete our work successfully, the ability to multi-task at a faster pace has become a necessity.
It is not uncommon to have to work on multiple different projects simultaneously and transition back and forth from one to another seamlessly.
In these cases, you have probably found that the overall speed at which you can accomplish big tasks is mostly hindered by the little snags you hit along the way, like jumping from window to window of separate content on your screen.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-31-2011
OK. So It's Time to Hire a Website Designer.
Should be pretty easy.
Not exactly.
Just because there are more website design companies than $.25 cent corner lemonade stands does not mean they are qualified to do the job you need for the market you serve.
Finding an optimal website design firm takes a bit of leg work - even though there are really good ways to cut down the time.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-30-2011
Last Traffic Tuesday, we talked about blog commenting as a free and easy tactic to drive more traffic to your site that just takes only a small amount of regular time and effort to apply.
This week, we�ll explore the similar strategy of social bookmarking and how to use it to foster a marked increase in the traffic to your website.
Most likely, you have already used basic bookmarking on a particular webpage that interested you on your own computer, but social bookmarking sites allow you to not only save, organize, and manage pages, but to alert other users to content you deem to be worthwhile and interesting.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-29-2011
Ready for a new universal barcode reader on your mobile phone?
In a recent Free Friday post, we talked about how the use of customized QR codes can help promote a business by informing and engaging its prospective customers, and even directing them to enticing perks like coupons and exclusive downloads.
These capabilities are helpful to you as a business owner as they enable you to examine the marketing strategies, branding techniques, and website design of neighboring enterprises; and they�re also quite beneficial to you as a consumer by allowing quicker access to products and services that interest you.
Along with QR�s, other types of barcodes have gained ground and facilitated a need for the app that comprises this Mobile Monday�s recommendation:
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-26-2011
Having problems finding files on your computer?
Do you remember the last time you really looked at your PC desktop?
Or rather the last time you attempted to because it is so cluttered with icons in disarray?
While you might feel confident that you know your computer like the back of your hand, it is only going to get progressively harder to keep track of which files and programs are stored in which locations.
This can facilitate disorganization and delays in both your professional and personal correspondences, not to mention that anyone who gets a look at your screen may develop doubts about your managerial savvy.
This Free Friday, we�ll discuss Fences
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-24-2011
How Safe is Your Website?
Both your website and business can sustain irreparable damage from hacking or content that was not meant to be published.
The search engine world of Google, Bing, and Yahoo moves very quickly so if there is incorrect, outdated, or mistakenly published content from your site that you want to keep from being indexed, you need to move quickly before both current and prospective customers spread negative word of mouth about your brand.
In cases like these, the Google URL Removal Tool can be especially helpful.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-23-2011
Want to learn how to expand your network and drive up rankings at the same time?
Last Traffic Tuesday, we discussed how guest blogging can help you promote your business and even give you the ability to expose your practice to other professionals and potential clients in your field by making your brand and voice of expertise more visible in the highly trafficked world of search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
This week, we’ll discuss how blog commenting can serve similar purposes in addition to driving traffic to your site via direct links in your comments as well as the ensuing search engine optimization rankings benefits that arise.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-22-2011
A handshake is all it used to take.
Sometimes even a handkerchief or a napkin at a restaurant.
But not anymore.
Agreements you think you've made while sitting in a restaurant or even standing in line at the movies can fall apart or be challenged with the slightest shift in the winds.
While technology in this Google economy has made it easier and faster to do business, there remains a seemingly small detail that can cause you to torpedo important agreements or delay the completion of potentially fruitful transactions: obtaining a signature.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 08-19-2011
How Successful are You are Keeping Track of Your Cash Flow for Your Business?
In certain instances, you might need to spend money to make money, but for lots of small business owners, spending additional money on managing your money is not a practical option.
Yet, to keep your cash flow from collapsing around you faster than the blink of an eye, you need systematic software to keep track of the funds coming out and going in - and a quality version of this kind of software is hard to find at a cheap enough cost.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-15-2011
No one likes a sluggish computer: not a business owner; not an employee; and certainly not a client waiting on follow-up.
Wouldn't you like a way to avoid the drag?
For this Free Friday I want to share a free software download that might help you.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-12-2011
How would you like to reach your target audience by social media engineering of your brand, reputation and online presence.
For this Traffic Tuesday, we've got some pretty savvy social networking advice on what to do with Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter for starters.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-11-2011
I really love my 46" TV and 5.1 channel sound system.
But apparently not everyone is glued to their flat screen like my wife and I are.
Today Robert Gonsalves ( suggested that the way I watch TV is dying and my kids won't inherit it.
Since my kids are glued to their cell phone, I want to introduce you to a great free mobile download.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-08-2011
How often do you find that words can't convey what you are trying to express?
It's not for nothing that old adage that a picture is worth more than a thousand words.
Everytime I pass a Wells Fargo bank and see the horses that are supposed to remind us of the postmen that used to deliver the mail I am reminded of the days of horse and buggy delivering the mail where people would wait months to hear about the weather only to find themselves in another season by the time the post arrived?
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-07-2011
Is the Bottom Price the Bottom Line when it comes to gaining sales?
With the increased awareness and availability of shopping online, consumers who used to shop strictly at brick and mortar neighborhood stores are now just a search and a click away from a plethora of alternative choices.
Your company brand is unfortunately left in the often sad state of being just one of those often unappealing yet lower priced choices.
How are you going to make an impression that not only brings in customers but keeps them coming back?
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-06-2011
How Successful is Your Website at Connecting with its Audience?
When you think about the potential of a website to inspire a customer to reach out and touch you, it's critically necessary to ensure you have compelling "touch points" to enable a customer to feel that at least it will be easy to make that connection.
In our 22 Step web site design and conversion assessment process, we spend a lot of time with clients trying to uncover different ways of helping them design a website that connects with potential and prospective customers.
Essentially, any business with a presence online would agree that you want to foster connection points to your targeted customers any way you can.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 07-05-2011
When composing, tagging, and linking your website�s text and copy, it is important to be selective and strategic if you want to drive serious traffic from search engines like Google and Bing or even the more selective search sites that are more industry specific.
Search engines in general analyze all the text on your site encoded with HTML tags and they monitor whatever text is hyperlinked or tagged. Considering the priority placed on the "anchor text" of your links, don�t waste the opportunity to be noticed with superfluous text, like �click here� or �welcome to my site.�
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 06-29-2011
Welcome to our first WebDesign Wednesday where we tackle the issues that hurt websites and drag down their performance.
Today�s issue is about �content creep�.
How often do you look at a webpage trying to find the information you need?
And how often do you fail to find it because the page just looks too busy.
We call this �content creep�.
And many websites inadvertently suffer from it.
And so do their sales and leads.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 06-28-2011
Are you using videos on your website?
Would you be surprised to learn how valueable videos can be for ecommerce driven websites?
In this first posting on this Traffic Tuesday you should be encouraged to wake up and smell the video coffee percolating on your competition's websites.
If you are among the 68% of online retailers that have still not made use mass-scaled, e-commerce video solutions, it�s time to take a look at the benefits you�re denying your enterprise.
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Published by: LA on 06-27-2011
Welcome to my first post to the new "Motivation Mondays" blog series.
It's probably the first time in about 5 years that I walked into my office, pulled up my Outlook Inbox and had nothing I needed to do. Seriously if I needed to find motivation to do something, nothing is more motivating than having nothing to do.
I know this sounds a little strange because we are all used to being motivated by the mundane pressures of deadlines, bosses, clients, closing deals, having money in the bank to make payroll and the whole host of other things we keep pushing off. But in a surprising way, having nothing on my hit list today seems like more of a coincidence. Considering I was planning to start off my Monday with a Motivational post it seems like things are working out exactly as planned.
So in the spirit of motivating others I will start off my post with a pitch for being a better Rainmaker.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 06-24-2011
Who are you going to call when your PC gets infected with a virus?
Seriously, what do you do - especially if you are not a tech-savvy computer geek (like me).
And even worse what if you are a tech-savvy aficionado and it happens to you?
Read on for this first Free Fridays blog posting to see what protections you can take to keep your desktop or laptop PC safe and secure.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 05-18-2011
A visit to your homepage should enable users to find as much information as possible using the minimal number of clicks necessary. Putting yourself in the shoes of your prospective customers should give you an idea of what they will expect from your products or services and how they will search for them. Oftentimes, shoppers' searches are led by highly particular goals. This is why the composition of your navigation menu plays an important part in your messaging as it can convey very specific details of your brand in a succinct and instantly visible form. Furthermore, the placement of navigation menus can not only enhance the usability of your site, it can also help it achieve higher rankings on SERP's by employing relevant keywords. For an example of a navigation menu that reflects insight into user needs, talk to Joel Perkowski, owner of Grand Party Settings.
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Published by: LA on 05-14-2011
To establish your value and credibility, an ideal homepage should catch a user's attention and immediately start building their trust in your brand of products or services. It is this trust that instigates the trigger point, meaning the moment a shopper is won over into becoming a buyer. Trigger points are critical when you are promoting a product because there are thousands of product pages for millions of product types. Products need to make a distinct impression on your prospective customers, namely if their product search is based on need rather than desire. Desire-based searches can be satisfied flexibly, while need-based searches are usually conducted based on a list of criteria and can be more time-sensitive.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 05-04-2011
When you are in business to sell specific products, chances are you have competition so your homepage is under added pressure to catch a user's attention. With online attention spans waning faster and faster, you will want to be as forthright as possible with what you�re offering and why it's good. Stating this with a lot of descriptive written content may get this point across, but few first-time visitors will have the patience to stick around and read it. Particularly in the case of a product-oriented homepage, people respond more positively to visual stimulation and connection points. Showing them who has trusted your products presents an eye-catching patina of credibility and among the best tools for this job is a striking list of recognizable list of clients.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-21-2011
When creating your homepage, it's smart to focus on search engine optimization strategies that are immediately visible to users like your domain name, page text, navigation features, and other related elements. However, it can be easy to forget the other options that aren't in plain sight but that also affect and influence your rankings. Among these less obvious optimization strategies are items call "meta-tags".
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-11-2011
Creating and establishing the domain name or URL of your website is a critical piece of groundwork in laying the foundation for the online marketing strategy for your business. Your domain name should present information about the products or services you offer, and be easy for first-time visitors to remember and share with other prospective customers. A domain name should be not only a selling point, but a differentiation point that sets you apart from less distinct competitors to make a lasting impression on users and search engine.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 04-01-2011
We've discussed several features of a homepage that help forge initial connection points with users. The ways in which your homepage establishes your value and credibility are especially important if you are offering a specific product. Outlining what you do with the presentation of a detailed product list in plain view is a direct approach to catching a user's attention. Such a list addresses their questions about you without making them play a guessing game of searches and clicks. Most first time visitors will usually move onto the next site before going to that much trouble. If your specific product or service is right before them, possibly alongside your industry specialties list, you have easily addressed their key initial questions. Artisan Precast offers the design and construction of precast concrete walls and fences that can be made to look exactly like wood, brick, and other conventionally used barrier materials.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-22-2011
After coming up with the logo and slogan that is right for company, a rotating banner can serve as an additional tool for catching attention. This fluid form of placement can combine text and graphics to appeal to both visual and kinesthetic learners. Placing the trademark of your brand in a prominent location is important but it is ideal to make it come alive to people the moment your site loads. "A rotating banner condensed our images and served to highlight what we have to offer and why we are the best choice of screening solution a potential customer can make," says Chris Dyer, CEO of Liberty Alliance. Dyer explains how this type of feature helped enhance his company's site. "You have to put yourself behind the user's cursor when constructing your homepage, and consolidating your information in a rotating banner is a great way to do that."
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-21-2011
Have you considered how important a strong headline can be for your website?
The text that you choose to make into your headline needs to be chosen carefully as it will typically be the first thing visitors read on your site. Your headline must first catch their attention and then, concisely explain to them what you do and why you're good. If the initial messaging of your headline is inauthentic, vague, or uninformative, a prospective customer may choose to move onto another site rather than continue looking through yours. A headline can also serve as a valuable showcase for your primary keywords. Generic placement of your keywords does nothing to set your brand apart to users or search engines, but thoughtful headline composition can garner the positive attention of bots and humans alike. CEO Barry Yarkoni certainly considered the value of a carefully worded headline when his company's Vinomis website was being created.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 03-11-2011
Today we speak with Wesley Virgin, a fitness expert who runs online exercise program, 7 Day Fitness. Virgin discusses why written content, or page text, is a central factor of his- or any homepage. Page text serves both basic and complex functions in the online marketing of your business. First, it communicates the information that is most important to prospective clients: what you do, and why you are good at it. "It should be clear and concise, but should reflect your knowledge and professionalism about what you're offering," says Virgin. A second purpose that page text serves is to incorporate keywords to attract the attention of major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo so that they rank your page higher and steadily increase its visibility. At the same time, your page text should use these keywords naturally rather repetitively overloading your written content with them, as search engines will eventually blackball your page because it appears to be nothing but spam. "We realized that driving traffic naturally would mean more lasting exposure."
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-28-2011
Learn how to use an opt-in form to increase conversions: [1] Grab Your Visitors' Attention; [2] Learn About Your Visitors (Without Their Realizing It); [3] See How Attracts Qualified Leads With Their Opt-in Form.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-22-2011
A homepage makes a great first impression by anticipating users' needs. A key means of doing this is by addressing their questions and concerns without making them search for the answers. We've discussed several ways to tell your prospective customers what you offer and why your brand is the best, but there is yet another important question they will pose: who do you work with? An industry specialties list provides a well-defined answer for this question. Such a list forges a connection point between you and your visitors by demonstrating credibility based on prior successes, and that is a contributing factor in why you are the best. "When your business is based on servicing other businesses, an industry specialties list is a must," attests Mike Lefkowitz, CEO of ECS Business Services.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-12-2011
Upon looking at your homepage, a visitor should be able to easily determine what you do, who you do it for, and why you are the best at it. A simple way to display all three of these aspects of your business is through the inclusion of partner logos. Today, we are interviewing Peter Preuss, who runs United Layer, a colocation hosting company. Preuss acknowledges that regardless of what specifics he is offering, chances are he is not the only colocation provider out there. The question is, how will he show his prospective clients that he is providing the best colocation available to host their server? It is necessary to demonstrate your credibility, says Preuss, as your own claims in plain text are not always adequate proof. We needed striking and recognizable partner logos.
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Published by: Jason Ciment on 01-11-2011
Coming up with a memorable logo and catchy slogan when doing the website design for MagMall, my business magazine subscriptions service, was a critical step to take in the visual and verbal positioning of my brand.
The explosion of online businesses has made it very difficult for any entrepreneur to make his or her messaging really pop to his or her targeted audience. The right logo with the right slogan can enable instantaneous communication and brand recognition. The most powerful examples of this kind of success are Avis (we try harder) or Amazon (earth's bookstore) but for a younger company like mine I knew I had to start building my brand with some basic and fundamental tactics.
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