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Published by: LA on 09-19-2011
Are You and Your Mobile Prepared for the Worst Thing That Could Happen? I mean besides your mother-in-law surprising you for a sleepover, the next worst thing is losing your mobile lifeline - ie. your cell goes on the fritz. Backing up the files and information on one�s personal computer to protect them against power surges, viruses, and other hazards has become a pretty commonplace precaution. However, now that a typical mobile phone is capable of storing at least as much data as a basic computer, it is now just as important to give it the same level of protection. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-16-2011
Famous last words: "My computer never crashes" Now that's funny. How protected are the files on your computer in the event of a fire, power surge, hard drive collapse, or any number of other disasters that can wipe out your irretrievable document, pictures, videos, and other files? Aside from the sentimental cost of losing personal files forever, the professional consequences of your client files and contacts being permanently erased could be catastrophic. I don�t even like to consider the scenario of the customer data for all my magazine subscription, SEO, and web design clients getting simultaneously fried, but I know it can happen so I take the precaution of backing it up online. I happen to use a secure system from Mozy but there are alternatives and you can do it too, easily (and yes, for free) with the Amazon Cloud Drive. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-14-2011
If you have used the internet you have probably had the experience of clicking on a link and being greeted with an error or redirection message categorized by a three-digit code, the most common being 404 (meaning the site no longer exists), 302 (meaning the site has been moved temporarily), or 301 (meaning the site has been permanently redirected). The last of these codes is especially important- and noteworthy for Web Design Wednesday- because moving your site or changing its domain carelessly can cost you both users and search engine ranking. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: LA on 09-13-2011
How many blogs and websites do you typically keep up with? More importantly, how do you go about doing this? Given that there are new developments, announcements, and theories every day concerning website design and search engine optimization, I need to do my homework for my clients, so I follow a ton of SEO blogs and technology news sites. However, I certainly do not have time each morning to visit each individual site and check to see which ones have new stories and which do not. This is why I subscribe to RSS feeds, and why I submit my sites� feeds to directories and promote them to prospective clients. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 09-12-2011
How many business cards do you typically collect at a given conference, trade show, or networking event? How well do you organize and integrate them into your existing contacts without Outlook or some other CRM system? With the days of the classic rotary rolodex falling behind us, it is ideal that we manage our new and existing directory of professional connections as we are now managing most elements of our lives; that is, accessible by a couple of clicks on our mobile devices. Certainly, given the number of new prospects and reciprocal business connections I collect for my web design and SEO company in just a week or two, I appreciate a streamlined app for loading cards onto my phone There are actually quite a few of these programs available, and we liked WorldCard Mobile the best Read the rest of this blog post
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