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Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-04-2011
How do you go about sending large documents and files? If you have ever been sent a sizable file that was not properly compressed, you know what an inconvenience it can be. After irritatingly lengthy download time, you also discover that an enormous amount of your hard disk space has been eaten up in order to receive and store the attachment. Chances are you were a little irked at the colleague or acquaintance who sent you that file without taking the time to adjust it with an effective archiving and compression tool like 7-Zip. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-02-2011
In yesterday's Traffic Tuesday post, we pointed out that creating Youtube videos is an excellent way to enhance your SEO success and to connect with your prospective clients. While this point is a given for many business owners, the finer points of making their videos valuable to users and effective in increasing conversion rates are not always so obvious, to the point that entire consultancies like Paul Bryan's Usography have been created. Bryan, who has been designing websites since 1995, offers some tips on how to optimize user experience or "UX." Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 11-01-2011
Do You Know How Powerful Videos Can Be for Your Business Reputation and SEO Rankings Too? The key to building a steady, organic flow of traffic to your company website is knowing how to optimize different types of content whether it�s an image, a local listing, a Facebook page, or in the case of this Traffic Tuesday, a Youtube video. Perhaps you�ve dismissed the necessity of having a Youtube channel associated with your business because you are skeptical that that many users would have an interest in watching a video about what you do and offer. However, a thoughtfully planned and engaging video that has been optimized and published to drive traffic can have a very positive effect on your SEO campaign and your online visibility to users. Read the rest of this blog post
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