
Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-07-2012
So you've set up a Twitter account for your business, now what? You've probably noticed that most company websites you'll visit have their Twitter widgets on prominent display, but this alone is not enough to attract and retain followers and put this platform to productive use for your online visibility. The micro-blogging capabilities of Twitter have been available since 2005, and there are still many business entities and individuals (my Los Angeles website design clients included) that are only now discovering what it can do. Utilizing social media, especially that which is free like Twitter, can be a very effective traffic-boosting tool, but you have to be aware of some basic guidelines. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-06-2012
Did you know that according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration survey 45% of teens admit to texting behind the wheel, and that an estimated 500,00 fatalities have been determined to be the results of distracted driving? While many of us try to set the example and keep our smartphones out of our hands when behind the wheel, it's easy to give into impulse traffic slows and that message alert goes off, and it's easy to see why. Read the rest of this blog post
Published by: Jason Ciment on 02-01-2012
So your website's written content is now thoughtfully composed, geared towards SEO, and resizable; are we forgetting anything else? Think about how you read informational content on a website. You don't really read it, do you? You scan it for the most concrete details relevant to what you want or need. If your text is not conducive to being scanned, then you might be inadvertently feeding your bounce rates by frustrating prospective clients who are pressed for time and getting headaches from sifting through huge chunks of writing. I'll explain. Read the rest of this blog post

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